Seeker Magazine

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Aftermath Actions

The following are from three emails forwarded to me by friends, which I would like to share:

This first one is from an unknown source:

Events occur right here in our country and we stand in terror and in awe.

How has it come to this we wonder to ourselves? How have we created this in our world? And where is it leading us to? Why, we cry. What will be next?

This last question is the one that is now up to YOU. It is up to YOU. What will be next? Will we 'get those bastards' as Senator Hatch has said. Will we 'hunt them down and punish them' as our own president has spoken?

Will we pull phrases from books we call holy and quote them to suit our own personal fears? "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" or "an eye for an eye". Revenge is a human endeavor, not a holy endeavor. Can we admit this to ourselves?

We can CHOOSE to do something different.

Can we see this crisis as an opportunity to reach deep within ourselves and open our hearts? Can we remember that in other countries scenes like this are occurring regularly? And often due to the powerful military and high tech weapons that we, here, in the USA, possess and choose to use against them. Can we feel their pain when they have suffered? Can we see that today's events are only a culmination of what we have put forth in many parts of the world? Can we admit to ourselves that lives lost here are not worth more than lives lost anywhere else on this planet of ours? Can we feel the pain that we are feeling and know that it has been felt so many times in other places? It is no different for a Yugoslavian or Iraqi mother to grieve her lost child than it is for an American mother to be wracked with pain. Are we all not humans? With hearts that are broken so easily?

Today, I ask you to open your heart, even if just a little. Feel your pain and anguish. Feel all the fear. And do not REACT.

Be with your pain but do not hold the requirement that someone else pay for it. Like energy draws like energy. Retaliation will only draw to itself retaliation in kind. Someone must stop the revenge, the desire to 'even it up'. Where there is one terrorist, there is another right behind him waiting to take his place. Must we perpetuate this kind of behavior and endorse this kind of pain again and again? Are we not feeding the monster of anguish by being so reactionary? What are we teaching our children? And how ignorant do we choose to remain to all of the world events we have brought to pass that have caused this kind of pain in places other than here?

Can we take this golden window of opportunity and open our hearts? Can you sit with your pain and your fear and not feel the need to harm anyone else? Can you let go of your fear long enough to not need revenge? If you can find this within yourself, then I ask you to share it with one other person. And ask them to share it with one other person.

It is our choice as individuals of what we choose to do now. I ask you to choose love. I ask you to choose healing. I ask you to choose to open to the opportunity you are being presented with right now. Open yourself. Feel it. And make yourself part of the chain.

This second one is from an Emissary of Light email:
Dear Beloved Friends,

You are receiving this message at a very difficult time. A time when we need your prayers more than ever.

Join Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, James Redfield and Doreen Virtue in this prayerful response to the recent terrorist attacks on the US. We join with all the millions around the world praying for peace, and for those who have been injured or killed. Please send this out to as many people as you can so we can keep our minds focused on peace.

Seven Days of Prayer

It took seven to create the world,we now ask you to join us in spending the next seven days recreating it.

Wherever you are, join us for the next seven days "FEELING" this new world and praying it into existence. At 9pm EST, 6pm west coast time, from September 11 to 18, simply feel the presence of millions around the world who are praying for all violence to cease. Spend ten minutes in silence each night knowing that we are creating a new world based upon the laws of compassion and peace. Once again, please pass this on to everyone you know.

A Letter from Neale, James, James and Doreen:

Dear friends around the world…

The events of this day cause every thinking person to stop their daily lives, whatever is going on in them, and to ponder deeply the larger questions of life. We search again for not only the meaning of life, but the purpose of our individual and collective experience as we have created it - and we look earnestly for ways in which we might recreate ourselves anew as a human species, so that we will never treat each other this way again.

The hour has come for us to demonstrate at the highest level our most extraordinary thought about Who We Really Are.

There are two possible responses to what has occurred today. The first comes from love, the second from fear.

If we come from fear we may panic and do things-as individuals and as nations-that could only cause further damage. If we come from love we will find refuge and strength, even as we provide it to others.

This is the moment of your ministry. This is the time of teaching. What you teach at this time, through your every word and action right now, will remain as indelible lessons in the hearts and minds of those whose lives you touch, both now, and for years to come.

We will set the course for tomorrow, today. At this hour. In this moment. Let us seek not to pinpoint blame, but to pinpoint cause.

Unless we take this time to look at the cause of our experience, we will never remove ourselves from the experiences it creates. Instead, we will forever live in fear of retribution from those within the human family who feel aggrieved, and, likewise, seek retribution from them.

To us the reasons are clear. We have not learned the most basic human lessons. We have not remembered the most basic human truths. We have not understood the most basic spiritual wisdom. In short, we have not been listening to God, and because we have not, we watch ourselves do ungodly things.

The message we hear from all sources of truth is clear: We are all one. That is a message the human race has largely ignored. Forgetting this truth is the only cause of hatred and war, and the way to remember is simple: Love, this and every moment.

If we could love even those who have attacked us, and seek to understand why they have done so, what then would be our response? Yet if we meet negativity with negativity, rage with rage, attack with attack, what then will be the outcome?

These are the questions that are placed before the human race today. They are questions that we have failed to answer for thousands of years. Failure to answer them now could eliminate the need to answer them at all.

If we want the beauty of the world that we have co-created to be experienced by our children and our children's children, we will have to become spiritual activists right here, right now, and cause that to happen. We must choose to be at cause in the matter.

So, talk with God today. Ask God for help, for counsel and advice, for insight and for strength and for inner peace and for deep wisdom. Ask God on this day to show us how to show up in the world in a way that will cause the world itself to change. And join all those people around the world who are praying right now, adding your Light to the Light that dispels all fear.

That is the challenge that is placed before every thinking person today. Today the human soul asks the question: What can I do to preserve the beauty and the wonder of our world and to eliminate the anger and hatred-and the disparity that inevitably causes it - in that part of the world which I touch?

Please seek to answer that question today, with all the magnificence that is You.

What can you do TODAY...this very moment?

A central teaching in most spiritual traditions is: What you wish to experience, provide for another.

Look to see, now, what it is you wish to experience-in your own life, and in the world. Then see if there is another for whom you may be the source of that.

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.

If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are safe. If you wish to better understand seemingly incomprehensible things, help another to better understand.

If you wish to heal your own sadness or anger, seek to heal the sadness or anger of another.

Those others are waiting for you now. They are looking to you for guidance, for help, for courage, for strength, for understanding, and for assurance at this hour. Most of all, they are looking to you for love.

We love you, and we send you our deepest thoughts of peace.

Neale, James, James and Doreen

And from Susan Kramer:
September 11, 2001 was a turning point in our inner and outer lives; opening a doorway for us to walk through carrying our great inner light as a torch of healing for all humanity.

The doorway we have just come through, this turning point in reality, is an impetus to step up our efforts of prayer and caring love, to really put practical spirituality to work in our daily lives.

With the advent of the internet we have been able to communicate with many who feel that coming into the experience of caring and prayerful love is what heals the heart of man, the heart of humankind as the larger body of each.

Let us join our hands along the internet lines while holding all in healing thoughts of warmth and love.

With all whom we interact from now on in our lives, let us consciously give them from the best of ourselves; our caring selves(Selves).


Prayer for a New Peace

Holding hands in love and unity,
Walking forward guided by the Great Light within,

Sharing and caring as we go.

In hope and trust that we will create a better world,

If you are interested in joining the Emissary of Light mailing list, visit this URL: Emissary of Light.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at