Getting along is a process, not a state of stasis (a static state).
We have to fight some people in order to learn how to get along with others.
--This is a lesson which some people never learn.
We have to be rejected by some people in order to validate our greater self worth
and maintain orderly boundaries for what we clearly deserve.
It's a mystery why we're attracted to seek approval
From the people least qualified to give it.
Why is it that we work so hard on those who reject us, or don't give back --
Forgetting, momentarily, those with whom we aren't so challenged?
Is it simply that we like to prove we're worthy
to folks who aren't going to reward us?
Look now to the treasures of love which require not so much effort,
Radiant flowers who already are open to your complete being.
The process of becoming complete is not a compromise,
It is a sumptuous, well-deserved reward...
When dialogue & communication fail, there is a reason.
Some people use talk to keep intimacy at bay,
To keep true union and lasting communion from their door.
Sacred marriage isn't a prison. It is a heaven on
an earth already difficult enough
When we seek to find solace with those who truly
Would rather regard relationships as light courses,
Instead of the main, fulfilling meal -- with dessert! -- of their eternal soul.
Letter to the Author at