Seeker Magazine

Living from Spirit
Bringing Heaven to Earth

by Diana Kennedy

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Lately, I've been having a "struggle" that has brought me many valuable insights! It's actually an ongoing issue, one that seems to come around a few times a year, more often than before. Sometimes, I feel a deep sadness that I am not doing work that is as spiritual as I think it could or should be (there I go, shoulding on myself). I'm talking about my "day job" of course, you know, the 8-5 routine. I work for the government and on the side I do my spiritual talks, workshops, classes on aromatherapy and energy work. I guess I "wish" that I could feel as joyful in my "regular" job as I do in my other activities. It's not that I feel bad in my day job; I feel, well, just "regular".

This struggle has left me feeling conflicted and drained at times. Could this be what they call divine discontent? Am I supposed to feel this way so that I will make some changes, follow my bliss and go to work elsewhere? Or is there another way to look at this?

Recently my friend Genevieve gave me a tarot reading and in the career position it indicated that I am to bring heaven to earth. "As above, so below", it said. Could it be that for now, the Universe has me exactly where I need to be? Since God is my True employer, can't what I do for state government be "spiritual"work as well? I continue to work through this idea.

Many people are consumed by their work. Others simply endure it as they anticipate the weekend, or, even more so, their retirement. Doesn't anyone seek to experience joy and deep fulfillment or a sense of purpose in their work? I know I do! More and more people that I meet are telling me that they desire to express more of who they truly are. Many times they feel that their deepest selves are not able to manifest through their "regular" jobs. Maybe this is why so many people are taking on second jobs or taking their hobbies and turning them into business ventures?

The Reverend Mary Manin Morrissey, author of Building Your Field of Dreams, says, "Our discontent is actually a gift of spirit… As I have learned to honor the discontent, it has always been the doorway into the next dimension of life."

I know that as I am able to focus on the variety of ways that I am able to express my spiritual nature at work, I will be able to create even more positive feelings. Using the principles of Abraham (Law of Attraction) allows me to trust that I am where I need to be and that what I focus on will expand. With that in mind, I pay attention to the positive aspects of my "regular" job! I am grateful that I've been able to have a life while making a living. The Universe has sure provided me a great opportunity to work on some of my own issues, right here at work!

Whether or not we leave our "regular" jobs to go find our bliss elsewhere or whether we bring heaven to earth in our current position, we can know that we serve God, that we add to the beauty of the Universe. Ahh, to get up in the morning and feel good about going to the office, feeling a sense of contribution through day-to-day duties, this gives meaning to my work and inspires me to continue. Knowing that my work is providing a useful service to others goes a long way toward allowing me to feel that I am bringing a little piece of heaven to earth.

About the author:
Diana Kennedy is the author of an E-newsletter, syndicated monthly column, and website named Living from Spirit. For more information, you may visit her website Diana Kennedy .

(Copyright 2002 by Diana Kennedy- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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