Seeker Magazine
Farm growing rhubarb west of the town of Castricum by the North Sea, The Netherlands. Photo credit Susan Kramer.
Survival Needs, Desires, Happiness

by Susan Kramer

Survival needs
those sustaining our physical body
food, shelter, clothing

Desires arise in our mind
for ego gratification
dressing primarily in forms of lust and greed
The premise being that we need to get
something from outside of ourselves
in order to satisfy our longing
for unbroken happiness

But, relying on sources
outside of ourselves
for gratification
is unreliable

The physical and mental worlds ever-changing

We analyze and try another avenue
Exploration into the depths
of our underlying supporting structure

Happiness is present right now
Experienced by relaxing body and mind
and harmoniously interacting with people and surroundings
Allowing us to remain relaxed and peaceful
We then retain our happiness
even when people and things go
from our life

When we experience
emotional, mental and physical upset
we can allow these experiences
to take their course
while remembering that they will pass
and once again we will be able to return to
and experience
our state of balance and harmony

The jewel to treasure is remembrance
that happiness is always carried along with us
Coming to our awareness
by relaxing body and mind
by harmoniously interacting
with others and our environment

Taking care of our body
Satisfying our mind
All the while experiencing happiness
by maintaining easefulness
and interacting harmoniously

Text and Photo © 2002 Susan Kramer

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