Seeker Magazine

Frank Anthony

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Frank Anthony has poetry, prose and interviews in journals, magazines and on the Internet. He invented the poetry form the BRIK which is13 lines long by 22 words/spaces wide. In Courier New font it forms a perfect rectangle. Dr. Anthony has been writing poems from his dreams since 1984. His poems are created with the assistance of the unconscious. Dr. Anthony is President of the New England Writers, an organization of over 500 writers, and lives in Windsor, Vermont.

A Spiritual Liberation

Of Mankind

When can you tell when
your body is beginning
to liberate the spirit
here before your birth
Do you think it absurd
the essence of you was
here many years before
your ancestors claimed
their place in the sun
Knowing you would come
for a spot of your own
exactly how they began
this process back then

Time To Call In Our UN

Share The Wealth

We are getting whipped
in Afghanistan or Iraq
Bechtel Bush Money Inc
to be sealed for years
Stolen oil lower price
Smashed infrastructure
by mass US destruction
is the better business
Shultz with Weinberger
built the USA that way
with Stanford Pentagon
and US Grand Old Party
All part of the system

How Does History Start

For Jung & Schopenhauer

A beginning everything
must have myth mystery
and Ikons of the world
the unconscious hidden
stuff making a culture
jumps across centuries
began with ideas words
symbols like this poem
that deals with a will
vulnerable to everyone
but powerful to humans
who recite Remember Me
as a source of destiny

Thank You Dr Greenberg

For New Life

Yesterday Dr Greenberg
did my famous ablation
sliced open the groins
entered the metal tube
seared off bad connect
put body on prime time
no more double beating
or medicine to stop it
Coming along is a Echo
non invasive procedure
do it from the outside
save a lot of troubles
but thanks now for you

Do You Like This Sight

Quo Vadis

Christine Belehar gone
She was more beautiful
than any woman we knew
At 87 she is in heaven
my new angel I am sure
will have to intercede
be divine intercessory
for an indiscriminator
such as we have become
who have lost our path
are willing to cohabit
with this American way
based upon a dead myth

US 400 Year Regression

Ike: Military Monster

Where did USA go wrong
1620 and Plymouth rock
our fire sticks had to
Lord over bow & arrows
And 1776 tried freedom
but sick fault hung on
as sycophant to France
America had no culture
Nineteenth & Twentieth
century and my dollars
made Monkey from Texas
number one world thief
and no sign of culture

To All Trained Killers

In Paradise

Six of my sewer series
a dreamland last night
in the city of choices
the big game coming up
is an Associated Press
that plans your vision
all around the weekend
scans the four seasons
One party or the other
covets a final quarter
sitting in the gallery
watching the peasantry
but beats getting shot

Why They Bombed The UN

Of The US

8 Boys & one Black Gal
are all blasting barbs
at each other to claim
they are one to retire
Kings of the Oligarchy
sucking up White House
money eying Black oily
wealth wherever it can
be stolen by White Man
to harness Yellow Race
Horse of an Apocalypse
bearing down upon USUN
Final Bastion Idolatry

And Totally Unexpected

It Happens

Small things make huge
differences in the end
A kind word discretely
given away to a beauty
binds her love forever
to your eyes the sound
of peace despite a war
somewhere they hear of
Gone they shall return
not interested in time
Sparks that know flame
are not content to die
await breath of reform

The Same World Watches

As Before

My lights are going on
for whom ever needs me
flashing two a morning
although we cannot see
The camera at the door
has all four eyes open
for this world waiting
patiently on yesterday
Shoot another resister
vaporize another child
they shall keep coming
like the Vietnam Gooks
for camera at the door

This Man Calls It Cake

Or Combat

Hate is good and clean
clearly as comfortable
as a love relationship
and the price is right
Pick out the candidate
Research the attribute
which we hate the most
then concentrate on it
Eventually it will hit
weak spot in his heart
letting down his guard
As we plunge the knife
we understand a Brutus

Did You Fight

The War Daddy

As we become older people
inside the descending aorta
becomes tortuous and ectatic
just part of getting older.

With countries it is similar
from Sparta & Athens of Greece
to Rome, Spain, England
France and Nazi Germany.

The path becomes tortuous
hardly one of an ecstasy
whether Korea, Vietnam
Afghanistan or little Iraq.

Getting older and involved
with an ancient process of aging
has US descending the path.
Could it have been less painful?

(Copyright 2003 - All Rights Reserved by Frank Anthony - Reprints Permitted
Please notify when reprinted and where.

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Letter to the Author: Frank Anthony at