Seeker Magazine

Open Letters to Survivors

Waking into Darkness

by: Cheryl Therrien

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The Day I Woke Up

It was a warm winter day, and I had decided to take a drive when I realized that I was actually looking at the things around me. I saw buildings, trees, the water, the birds flying and going about their business. I noticed that things had changed since I had gone to sleep. Old stores had closed and new ones had opened. As I took all this in, I realized I was awake. I don't think I knew until that moment that I had been walking around all that time asleep. The feelings I had were overwhelming. I was sad that things had changed, but also very happy that I was awake again. I've decided that I like being awake, even if it means feeling the pain, so I am not going to walk around asleep anymore. I'm going to stay awake so that I can enjoy the things around me, and when the hurt comes up, I'll face it head on and keep going.


The secrets are there. They never go away. You are told from the start, without words, that you had better not tell. That no one would believe you even if you did say something. You keep them with you for so long that you even forget that you had them. They are there, though, waiting to come out. You know deep down inside that something is going to happen, but you can't figure out what it is. You just know that you need to find safety, so that whatever it is will not destroy you.

You slowly start to tell your secrets to someone you know won't hurt you with them. You realize that nothing happened when you let the little secrets out, so you start to let out bigger and bigger ones, until there is just no stopping them. Sometimes you think there is no way you will survive the secrets you are recalling. As each one is revealed, and survived, you learn to trust yourself and know that the secrets can not hurt you, and neither can the people who made you keep them for so long. You know you have the strength to fight those people and their secrets, and reclaim your life.

The Pit

The Pit is a dark place that holds your worst nightmares. The Pit is always there waiting for you to fall in. When you do fall, it's not a fast fall, so sometimes you can grab onto the edge before you hit bottom and pull yourself out. Other times, you just can't find something to grab onto, so you fall right to the bottom. The bottom is a dark, ugly place. The Pit tries to keep you scared and worn out, trying to make you give up, to let all the nightmares take you over. You start to give in and then you realize that you don't want to die there among the nightmares, so you start to climb and yell for help. With help from above you start to slowly climb out of the Pit. The Pit fights you all the way up. It keeps trying to pull you back to the bottom, but because you have learned to fight so well, you keep climbing up to the help and light above. You are thankful that you have once again come out of the pit in one piece and hope that someday you'll be strong enough to fill that Pit, so that you will never fall to the bottom again.

((Copyright 9/1/95 Cheryl Therrien))
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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <>