Excerpts from a Seeker's Journal

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Every turning of the moon marks a point in the path of life. Last night the moon was full and glowing with a vibrant energy, the energy which moves the waters. Everything goes through cycles of bursting forth and breaking down, of rising up and falling away. The natural world holds millions of examples of this basic truth. Every time someone dies we are reminded of it. Every time a new goal emblazons itself in our consciousness, driving us onward, we are shown the power of this energy. The moon is an interesting symbol of that cycle. The brilliant full moon and the darkness when it `renews' itself.

On the drive home last night, I was heading east, directly into the rising moon. As I would turn more south or north, the clouds would sometimes rush in to cover the moon, other times they would part like the waters for Moses. And the moon itself was gloriously full. I rarely remember the nights around the full moon, even though I know that it is something special, they just aren't always that memorable. They don't imprint themselves upon my mind. But being able to see the moon last night, with such clear light and darkness upon it's face, it was wonderful. If I had a telescope in the car, I would've pulled off the highway then and there to get an even better look. Last night was the night for looking into the depths.

Seeing the Moon reminded me a great deal of something that happened a short time ago, a small encounter I had with a couple of frogs. They crossed my path on the way to a cave. As I was walking I noticed movements in front of me and was brought up short. Upon closer examination, I noticed it was just a little frog. Moments later it happened again with another frog. I thought that there was something that the Frogs had to say which I should try to listen to. The only distinguishing feature around was a small pond lying in the direction of both of the frogs' travel. Looking back on it, I think they might have been telling me to get to the Water.

The world teaches in odd ways, you have to listen with every fiber of your being to hear it all.

For all the rest of the trip I kept thinking about those two frogs. It was on my mind constantly. I thought about it especially after one particular encounter.

I had found a little hole and, being me, dived into it. As I was wriggling my way through the narrowing passage, I came to a place where the ceiling of the tube came down to a low point. While there was a small crevice and some space above me, it was nothing I could get to or move through, I had to crawl underneath this little squeeze. Just a squeeze, right?

Well, except for the little puddle of water that happened to fill the entire bottom of the squeeze, from one side to the other. Not to mention the fact that it ran for about five or six feet of the passage as well. Normally, I am very much the cat. Stay inside out of excessive rain, only swim in a big area if you really want to. But I don't much like just getting dumped in water when I'm not prepared for it. Crawling through a narrowing passageway is not the best of circumstances for having to get drenched.

After sitting for a few moments I finally decided to forge on through. And I must admit that it was quite an experience slithering belly down through a couple inches of water. I came out on the other side, where it did in fact open right up, and met my companions ahead of them (I was originally going to be bringing up the rear, before I found the tube) with water streaming down my front. Like I said, quite an experience for an old cat.

So that got me thinking even more about the frogs, because the connection between water and frog is obvious. Frogs dwell in the water, from a little tadpole to a big bad bull-frog, they survive by staying in and around the water.

Water. That was it, I am sure. Get to the water. Are you looking to flow better? Get to the water. Are you searching for transformation? Get to the Water. Do you want to swim in the depths of life? Get to the *Water*!

Water is such a strong force. In motion, water is so very powerful. It flows and churns, gathering force as it continues to move. The strength of the waterfall is a testament to its power. As is the undertow as large waves recede from the shoreline.

It always travels in the path of least resistance, to water, it is natural, instinctive to do so. There is no fighting to go uphill. Why bother? In the valleys it is just as nice. No battling against that which opposes it. If the boulder wants to sit in my way, that's just fine, I'll go around, no problems here.

There is nothing which water can't solve. Actually, water is supposed to be the ultimate solvent. Water will break down everything, given enough time. Water wears away the mountains, rocks and soil. Water extinguishes the burning, destructive flame. Even the wind cannot penetrate Water, the best it can hope to do is make little swirls so the Water can dance.

Wouldn't it be great to be like that? Never fighting an uphill battle. Everything around you helping to give you direction. Every now and then a little breeze comes up to play with you. Now that's a life I could live...

But no, all of us humans are too busy fighting our little battles against every little obstacle that stands in our way. We don't try to be a solvent. Rather we try to shoulder (or `boulder', perhaps?) our way through walls. Or maybe we rage at and burn everything that even comes close to affecting us? We don't solve it, we compound and complicate it!

It's times like this I need to get a grip on myself. Because, well, you'll have that sometimes. But it is good to be aware of it.

Just like I need to be aware that I was getting into a spot of rage myself. Like I said, you'll have that sometimes, just be aware of it.

So, where was I? Water, yes. The water and the Moon. There is an old connection, a mystical one, between these two things. That is why I was reminded of the frogs last night. They were also telling me of the water. To go to it.

Water is the life-giver, without water we would live no more then two or three days. Our bodies are made up of it, Water keeps us fluid and mobile. It is a very powerful thing.

It's ability to wear down rocks, extinguish fire, and serve as a barrier to the wind is a magical power all its own. But the Water is more then that. Water is an agent of transformation. It can teach how to adapt. It is very good at `going with the flow', that is what it does. If there is a need to change yourself, go and sit by the great Waterfall. Let the pounding rhythm change and mould your spirit like a lump of coal.

It may teach of how to move easily within your circumstances, of how to flow around the walls found in life. How to extinguish the flame of those people who wish you ill, without necessarily destroying what fuels them. It can teach of how to dance to the touch of those people who drift into and away from your life.

Yes, the Water is a powerful teacher.

(Copyright 9/1/96 by David Langer - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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David Langer <dlanger@zoo.uvm.edu>
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