Seeker Magazine


by: DyrkHawke

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You're standing somewhere. It's faintly familiar, but still you don't quite know where you are due to a haze that just won't lift. You feel like you're floating, and yet your feet are firm on the ground. You awaken, as if from another life; " was all a dream...."

Like most curious people, I have sat and pondered for long lengths of time about what exactly dreams are. I've heard many theories. People say that it's the brain's way of organizing the information collected during the day, or they say that it's just a fabrication of meaningless images and actions to perhaps entertain your dormant body through its slumber. But, like most curious people, I have my own theory. Humans use about 8-10% of their brains ((I can't say for sure, but that's the last number I heard.)), so what's the other 90-92% of the brain there for? Secrets not yet meant to be in humanity's reach? Abilities some higher being feels we're not ready for yet? Maybe, but there's the subconscious in there somewhere, too.

That little hint of things in the back of your head and the thing picking up all the small details the rest was too lazy to collect. The thing that picks up stray thoughts and catches the images of the out-worldly, and the thing that is the stuff dreams are made of. As you drift off into the comfort of sleep, and the subconscious takes over, an amazing transformation occurs. As your other senses sleep, the ones you don't use during your routine life become active. Your psyche buzzes with the information flooding your brain and coursing through your very self. Little hints of things to come reveal clearer truths.

What you know and what you think become one, as does your mind and your soul. Your consciousness as it exists then is whisked away to a place where your life unfolds as your mind's eye sees it. The shapes, the colors, the people, the places, the events, your own actions, that may not have even happened yet, are being worked upon by your mind. You're most radical and deepest thoughts are sprawled out in front of you to feast upon like a banquet of unseen truths. You can choose to ingest what's there, or you may feel the need to pass it up this particular time. You see everything that there is unveil before you, and with a loud noise, or a movement, or simply a habitual waking, it's gone. All of that rich information, that sweet wealth of knowledge disappears before your eyes, maybe just before you could grasp it.

I think we should all consider our dreams as a source of enlightenment, direction, or maybe even just fun, and I think people need to remember that more often, or even find that out for the first time. Wish upon a dream, and let your consciousness be your guide. Sweet dreams.

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