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Open for Debate

Technology - Curse or Blessing?

by: Neekolas

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G'day mates. Looking around at the world today, I get an image of mankind in a kind of golden where man doesn't have to do the dangerous work that was required decades ago. An age that information from around the world is sent over thousands of miles to keep each person up to date about every trivial matter. Ah yes, life is good. We live in a world where a complete meal can be unwrapped and microed...and within minutes, ready to eat.

But what happens if all the technology disappeared for one reason or another? Could mankind survive without the tools that he has learned, and been conditioned, to use?

With each new generation born, we teach our children to depend on the tools that we have. With each generation, we move further away from self dependence. At the current rate that mankind is growing, the children of the 21st century will be so reliant on technology that, if a problem of global proportions struck and that technology was rendered useless, mankind would suffer immeasurably.

Scientists say that the earth's leading power supply, oil, will be used up within the next 50 years. Will mankind be able to substitute a little old fashion grunt work to cover for this? And if some little disaster should befall the massive electronic money network we have now, would we be able to cope?

I don't think so. In my opinion, if we don't make an effort to get back to the basics, we're asking for serious trouble. If ever a war is fought in this country again, the main target will not be population, it will be information. If this should happen would be capable of returning to cottage industries, and barter systems? Do you know how to grow your own food? Do you have a useful craft to barter if you can't? I say we should all learn something that is not electronic, or electricity based.

So why don't you turn off that computer so you can go out there and learn to do something with your hands. Your future just might depend on it.

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