By M. Brandon DeGeorge

Bicycle, Bicycle

I love to go bike riding. It gives me a chance to get outside, in the sun, which is where I belong (besides on the water, or, better yet, on the water, out in the we're talkin!) I get a chance to exercise my lazy butt, and besides all that, some time to myself. Not like I need any more of that, but, time alone can be time well spent.

I hate to sound cliche', but the wind in the hair thing is something I really enjoy. It relaxes my stressed out nervous system, so that I can do some real pondering, and write articles for y'all. Anything that helps get into that meditative state, you should remember to use as much as you need to. I associate meditation with escape, in a way. You can detach (better yet, to use a transcendental term, rise above) yourself, and all of your worldly concerns. You know, take a step back at your life's painting, and see it for what it really is.

I'm Flyin'

The cool thing about bike riding is that while you're busy having fun, time is flying just as fast as you are. Yup, that old adage is way true. In fact, you should try this little experiment, once. Stare at a clock, measuring a minute of time internally, but don't count. Took longer than you thought? Now, go brush your teeth for as long as you think a minute is, then come back and check the time. Oops, what happened? A little over a minute, right? Maybe two or three. Time does fly when you do, in a manner of speaking. You're so busy having fun (maybe not brushing your teeth, unless you enjoy that) that Mr. 'old sundial gets jealous and moves time faster on you. Not that that's fair or anything, but who are we to judge?


Kudos to our boy Albert (Einstein, ya know) for making that beautiful statement about relativity; emc. EMC is good for many things that involve a comparison of two things, especially when we're seeing what happens when you put them together, you know, how they RELATE. Things do relate, you know? Comprende? Understand? Can you RELATE to what I'm saying? I knew you could.

As you wind your way through the world, attempting to advance yourself in a spiritual manner (and hopefully you are doing that right this moment, while you're reading this article) you'll begin to see the big picture. It's like taking the elevator (or stairs, depending on your physical attitude) to the top floor of a very, very tall building. So tall, in fact, you can see the whole world (remember to bring oxygen, and don't forget to duck when a satellite passes by). You see everyone on earth going about, doing the things that humans do (maybe even taking a nice ride on a bike). You might even notice that the humans on the right side of your view are doing some, maybe alot of the same things the humans on your left side are doing. Fer gosh sakes, is it possible? Who's copying who? Who stole what from who? Can't they find something original to do? Well, no, they can't, they're human, after all.

It's All Good

Once we all begin to see the big picture, that everything, and everyone has a place in life, and that things are around for a reason, we can start to imagine a whole lot more than we thought we could ever. Take a look around you, watch nature, watch people, observe something other than your TV, or your monitor (but if you must, flip the channels alot, or do mondo surfing on international sites). The idea is to SEE HOW THINGS RELATE, and to realize that they do. This will open your mind to RELATions and connections between things you probably never gave a second of neuro energy to, before. Trust me, learning IS an exciting thing, the world IS an exciting thing, or better yet, don't trust me, go see and believe for yourself. You and the world will be better for it.

Siwrnai dda

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