Seeker Magazine

Future Labyrinth Experiences

by: Cherie Staples

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In June 1998, Pamela Ramadei wrote an article on labyrinths for "Seeker," and since that time I've visited and walked the labyrinth in Evergreen, Colorado, several times, with various friends. Some have experienced strong insights and decision-making through the walk; some have been relatively untouched, at least consciously. I must say that I count myself among the latter, but I like the experience. It truly is a kind of walking meditation, and as such is good for mind-clearing, aside from the fact that the view down the tree-covered valley is pleasant and it's in the mountains.

In her article Pamela mentioned a prospective trip to New Zealand in the winter, and she has now gotten the trip plans in place. The following is her description of what the two-week tour will encompass.

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Can you imagine being in New Zealand, "The Land of the Long White Cloud", to experience the sacred sites as well as create one?

Week One: A Labyrinth Building Workshop at Anahata Retreat Center on Golden Bay, at the north end of the south island of New Zealand.

This is an opportunity to belong to a group of individuals who will build a permanent, ambulatory labyrinth, exceeding fifty feet in diameter, on the grounds of Anahata Retreat Center. This group labyrinth building experience will include the exploration and integration of the archetypes of spirals, labyrinths and mandalas as they are brought together in the transformational experience of creating sacred ground using these images. This process is a bringing together of the trinity of solar, lunar and earth energies. All who attend will leave with the skills to construct labyrinths elsewhere around the world.

The facilitators of the Labyrinth Building Workshop are Reiki Masters Moira M. Forsythe and Pamela Ramadei from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Together they have extensive experience in labyrinth building, Eastern and ancient spiritual practices and transformational human relationship training.

Week Two: A tour of the sacred sites of New Zealand led by Michael Fleck

The second week begins as we spiral out of Anahata Retreat Center and along the curve of Golden Bay to the vibrant ecosystem of Farewell Spit, the northernmost tip of the South Island. After a visit to Tui Community, an alternative community, we'll venture onto the fabled Abel Tasman track, winding through coastal bush and along golden beaches. For the next two nights we'll "hide away" at Awaroa Lodge & Cafe by a pristine bay near several easy half-day hikes. The next morning we'll take the water taxi along this dazzling coast to Kaiteriteri and lodge at Kimi Ora Health Retreat, famous for its stunning views, grounds and cuisine. The following morning we bus to Nelson for some sightseeing and shopping, ferry through the majestic Marlborough Sounds to the capital city, Wellington, and fly to Lake Taupo, the largest in southern hemisphere, to rest at the legendary Tauhara Centre with an optional late night swim in thermal pools. On our final day we'll visit Vivien Johnson and her Zuvuyaland labyrinth, a time shift spiral, the powerful Huka Falls and other sacred sites. An evening flight (included in the per person cost) to Auckland connects us with our direct flight overnight to our home country.

Dates: Monday, January 18 to Saturday, January 30,1999

The price per person of $2,435.00 includes all lodging and three meals a day at the center and breakfasts on the tour portion. It does not include the international travel costs. No single occupancy is available. The first week's accommodations are Maori style, with clean but sparse living among perma-culture gardens and eating mostly local and organic foods. Mornings and evenings at the retreat center will offer yoga, music, dancing and frolicking to our hearts content.

The tour requires a minimum of twelve with a maximum of sixteen people. To reserve space with a $500 deposit or for further information contact: Inner Light Discovery Tours: 1-888-FOR-ILDT; E-mail: 17853 North Santiago Blvd. #107-483, Villa Park, CA 92861

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"If you can imagine it, it can happen for you" is what Pamela says.

Well, if your imagination can't quite make that large a picture and you're still interested in labyrinths, a noted labyrinth-maker from the eastern side of the country is presenting a weekend workshop at a place called the Rowe Conference Center in Massachusetts. Marty Cain is one who has "experienced, researched and documented hundreds of ancient, sacred sites in England and Europe and continues to explore ancient sites in America," according to the Fall-Winter bulletin of the Rowe Conference Center. Her workshop on "Labyrinths, Dowsing and Sacred Sites" will happen on Halloween weekend, Oct. 30 to Nov. 1. For more information about this workshop, contact the Center at 413-339-4954, or write to them at Kings Highway Road, Rowe, MA 01367, or better yet, e-mail them at

And if your imagination is in very short supply but your interest is still strong, you can purchase a video of Marty Cain, relating her experiences with sacred sites and labyrinth-building, from the American Society of Dowsers at

And then there is the Grace Cathedral website on labyrinths which lists sites and events relating to labyrinths at

Why do I feel strongly about labyrinths, considering that I haven't experienced any life-turning insights in my walks? For one thing, the labyrinth is from my ethnic heritage as a person of European descent from way back. So I don't feel that I'm borrowing from or infringing on another culture's spiritual observances. It also feels more right for me than any other spiritual experience so far because it ties into the Earth deeply with its sacred geometry and, in many cases, its placement over strong Earth-power sites. And I am of the belief that the Earth itself is an organism that lives and breathes.

So, I welcome you to find a labyrinth and try its experience. Try it several times, if you're not inspired the first time, but if it just doesn't work for you in any way, that's okay, too. We are each in different places along our journeys.

(Copyright 1998 by Cherie Staples - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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