Seeker Magazine

of Unlimited Consciousness
Integrating consciousness
into everyday living
by following the prodding of our conscience--
Teamwork between our conscience
and subsequent actions
improving our experience of life

Our conscientious actions expand our consciousness of who we are, why we are on earth, and our role in the universal plan.

An analogy: The higher we climb up a mountain side, the more our view expands. First, we see other hillsides enclosing us--continuing the uphill climb we at last look way beyond other mountain tops, freed of barriers to our vision.

Standing on the mountain top--
the feeling of expansiveness we experience
in our body and mind
in viewing such an unlimited panorama
is an example of how we feel
as we get closer to the peak
of our possible consciousness
We can really attain our peak of consciousness
by continually acting
in accord with our conscience, consistently
day by day

The air at the mountain top is clean and clear and the actions of a clear and clean mind are simple and pure, loving and expansive--no hills of ego or self-centeredness blocking our view point and actions.

Why stay down in the tangled undergrowth of self-centeredness when by walking upward, and looking outward from our self-centered interests, we can enjoy the panorama of unlimited consciousness?

Consciousness expanding
through an outwardly loving view


To create an enjoyable dinner, we first visualize how the meal will look and taste--we then buy and eat the food.

On the universal scale we see the visions that have been brought into physical form--the sky of stellar objects, plants, animals, ourselves--everything.

All the aspects interrelating through exchanges of energy that complement and support each other. All the parts harmoniously compounding one upon the other in their various roles, forming the whole.

We are curious about the nature of the Universal Creator that has manifested the physical-mental dimension--harmonious, rhythmical, cyclical, growing, diversified objects, and the higher forms of intelligent existence.

In the foregoing example, we saw that our dinner began as a vision, followed by a thought process directing the physical action necessary to produce it. Following this logic, we see that our precisely planned and harmoniously functioning physical universe came about from a well thought out and implemented vision.

The creator of the universe used methods we do not wholly understand--as our minds are part of what was created. But we can come to experience our existence as an essential interlocking part of the harmony of the large universal home by living in the way that allows us to function easefully within the natural rhythms and cycles of everyday life. We do this by caring, sharing, and loving--with all forms of creation touching our life.

The more consciously in tune we become with the basic principles of creation--which comes down to living our part harmoniously--the closer we come to experiencing our Creator.

Creation manifested
from Vision
Brought into form
by aligning
with our Intelligent Source
called Creator


We observe the harmonious patterns of the natural universe--flowing, mixing, moving. But as with the swirling of oil and water, all retain their individual characteristics.

Aligning our personal rhythms with harmony
by following our conscience
keeps our inner peace intact--
Cooperative interpersonal rhythms
swirling into universal harmony--
developing universal consciousness

The harmonious rhythms of music, pleasing to the ear, inspire us to dance--to move. And within every atom of every musical note, microscopic atoms dance around each other in continuous patterns, gracefully using space, place, and time as their dimensions of expression--just as we can in all of our daily interactions and activities.

Graceful rhythms
Harmonious movement
Expressions of sharing in time, place, space
Graceful rhythms
reaching beyond time, place, space
in Beingness
as Lovingness


Events in life are bitter and sweet--
how we handle each situation is what matters

Wisdom, which comes from analyzing what we've been through and applying the insights, is what helps us maintain our balance and harmony during rough times.

All life is in sets of dualities
The constant that we seek--
the stability of being able to retain our sense of balance--
is our inborn immortal harmonious nature
We recognize our immortal nature
our inborn sense of harmony and balance
when, by applying wisdom and lovingness
we are able to confront any situation with control--
feeling connected--
not isolated

The dualities of life have a common heritage--they are part of the changing physical and mental creation. We claim what is ours beyond duality--harmony and balance--by applying wisdom and acting lovingly for the highest good of the situation.

Always with us
Harmony preserved
through wisdom lovingly applied

Part of the One

By lovingly interacting with creation
we act as part of the One
the glue binding creation in harmony

Harmony is the product of lovingness. When we take time and energy to act lovingly, events fall easily into place--each loving act adding to our awareness of having an expansive nature.

We are as individually sculpted snowflakes
falling from the brilliant cloud of our Creator
As individuals, we lie alone
though our lives overlap
as with a blanket of snow
We are ever One in consciousness
while formed into myriad souls
We are manifestations within One Great Soul--
an eternal heritage brought to our awareness
by our own expansive acts of love
We become aware of our connection
as part of the One and one with each other
when we raise our consciousness
by acting on the eternal qualities
not bounded by time, place space--
Truth, Love, Faithfulness
Part of the One consciously--
Part of the One
through caring acts of love

Article ã 1998 Susan Kramer

Flower Artwork from the 'Blossoms of California...' collection ã 1998 Susan Kramer

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