Seeker Magazine

Volume 8, Issue 10
October 2002

Table of Contents


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From the Staff & Core Contributors:

Thoughts of a Seeker : I Gotta Stop and Smell the ... Marigolds - by Cherie Staples

Tongues: The Rainbow: adapted by NovaReinna

Street of Dreams - by Harry Buschman (short story)

Religion and Spirituality - by Susan Kramer

Avant Soul:
   Rhapsodies in Words
     by Darius Gottlieb
  Three Hiaku on Iraq
  And Your Life Will Open Like a Flower

Skyearth Letters: "Joyful Journeys -- and Tyranny - by Cherie Staples

A Plea of Guilty - by Lincoln Donald (short story)

Why Should I Care? - by Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries

From This Month's New and Returning Writers:

Bait - by Thom Guarnieri

Living from Spirit: Good, Good, Good Vibrations - by Diana Kennedy

Spirit at Work: Leaders Who Care - by Tom Heuerman

Poet Portrait - Pat Regensburg

The Light Articles: Clinging to the Rocks - by Jamie Sanders

The Gryphon's Nest - by Selected Poets
  "The Junk That Feeds Eternity"
       by Sam Silva
       by Richard Denner
  "I'd Leave"
       by K.R. Copeland
  "The Day The Clock Stopped"
       by Puja Goyal
  "Calcutta Oh Calcutta!"
       by Prasenjit Maiti
  "Dying Leaves "
       by Gerald Bosacker

Seeker's Links of the Month:
     Unequal Protection: by Thom Hartman; on corporations' status of equaling humans and how to change it

     Orion On-line Magazine
About Seeker Magazine:
Seeker Mission Statement - What is Seeker?
Seeker Staff
Submission Guide
Index of Previous Issues
Index of Contributors (updated through March)

Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples