Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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October 2004

This Crucial Autumn

Beautiful autumn days.
Colors bursting in the trees.
Huge maples gold and flaming into red.
Now more bare limbs appear.
Poplars become gold clouds in the graying hillsides.
Six weeks of post-August summery temperatures.
It's sure been nice.

This issue is chock-full of a great assortment of writers. I've included pieces that I might not have in other times. Perhaps it is the enormous stress of what is riding on this up-coming election that is influencing me. If you don't feel it, then wake up! Who knew that we would be fighting dictatorship and police tyranny in this century in these United States, and yet, if you examine our leadership closely, I believe that is what we have. It pretends to be a government "by the people." Just depends on who your people are.

All I will say is,
if you are a registered voter in the United States, verify your registration, and
vote November 2nd for the election of
civil liberty-enhancing,
clean air and water-protecting,
wild public lands-loving,
people to public office

Peace to you,

Cosmos with spider
Copyright 2004 by Cherie Staples.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at