Seeker Magazine - October 2004

Thomas Paul [Wordwulf] Sternerhowe

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Thomas Paul [Wordwulf] Sternerhowe began to sing to his fellow Child prisoners in the West Denver Housing Projects in the '60s. He spent the '70s and '80s howling his lyrics in rock 'n roll whiskey bars. He found passion in friction, the guttural growl of his Harley Davidson Hawg and the monster men he rode with. Between prison and Big Brother Deals he watched them all disappear. This poor boy (Momma was a Catholic; Daddy was a drunk) has found his voice and lends it to a vision - a tomorrow when his Children won't be goose-stepped and prodded into Daddy/Boy money wars. A native son of Colorado, he lives in Lafayette with wife Karen, her two sons and his youngest son, Zedidiah. Family and riding his Harley Davidson fill up the hours left over from work and creative enterprises. SternerHowe is poetry editor for Skyline Literary Review and has been extensively published in independent literary magazines including Howling Dog Press/Omega (The most dangerous writers alive), Ken*Again Magazine, Flesh From Ashes, Silence Speaks, Skyline Literary Review, Apollo's Lyre, etc. He is winner of the Marija Cerjak Award for Avant-Garde/Experimental Writing 2001, 2002 & 2003. His first novel, 'Madman Chronicles: The Warrior' (ISBN# 1-59286-793-6), is available at his website: He has earned his PHD (Post Hole Digger) of life, intends to bellow and right/write the beast at every opportunity. The poor boy understands; that awful thing he was doing, fighting and singing in that mortar brick compound at ten years old; 'it' is what he is bound to do until it follows him on down.

Short Take | Philosophical Ping-Pong | Twenty-seven Raven
The Thin Woods | The Nether |

Short Take

I remember
the first meal shared
with my new friend
the passion and mystery
of ensuing conversation
I close my eyes
and find the face I found then
lips speaking
and eyes telling more

I heard the wind blowing
through the portal of the soul
of my new friend
saw the vision of a life
lived outside my own
What comfort we found in sharing
divining secrets
and constructing soft word pillows
to bear the tears of our grief

Time makes shadows danse
the shifting lines of circumstance
My friend lies before me
in a kaleidoscope of memories
behind me
in the fast stop.
of real time.
I appreciate the time we enjoyed
can't help but wonder..

Top of the Page.

Philosophical Ping-Pong

As a much younger man
I loved to watch people
even went so far
as to interact with them
which was a mistake

Fascination and mystery
are bound to fade upon application
of philosophical device
when the game is joined
pale ashes as a result
are absolutely guaranteed
you lover of humans

Mystery still existed for me though
not so much in a sense
of 'what' will happen
but 'when' will the lid
blow its proverbial top
At this stage you know it 'will'
what we call the philosophical three W's

As an example
I remember whiskey bar quarters
dropped in the latrine
the patient wait
for my fellow imbibers
to get the mark of the man
who would fish them out

As you can imagine
what follows may get a bit bloody
which leads us
to our next related
field of study
the three C's
confrontation, criminalization and inCarceration
which I shall expound on

and upon
the posting of bail, bond and bait

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Twenty-seven Raven

Westward faced the Sun
a jagged lit horizon
stone fortress Earth
black eye on black... blink
tell ya what he thinks
Magick is the providence of aeon
Gods too tired to blush
yet this one who sees it all
wonders... do you

Still believe in parlor games
and chance meetings
cross Moonlit path
first toss sevens and elevens
Man makes boxcar spaces
snake eye guilt
a three sided cube
plants ribbons on winners
shame on the rest

Thus spake the raven
when my face was tree bark
made love with the wind
War in the city burned me down
chased my brothers from my hair
they are making circles
whose reptile voice cry
Our armor is wing
and backs to the sky

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The Thin Woods

The Sun made spaces
through the trees
I watched shadow rays jumping
limb fingers reaching
clouds quiet
moving slowly cross the sky
Watching them was like blinking
without closing my eyes

Some days time stops for me
I notice things
like the horned owl that day
perched high against the sky
I love those thin woods
near my Colorado home
where a boy can just be a boy
even if he's fifty years old

Top of the Page.

The Nether

Somewhere between nightmares and sweet dreams
the owl has flown me away
I cling to her breadth of wing
drink the night with her eyes
descend in a fair swoop
exalt in the rush to kill
I ride the swift currents
wing tips say pft pft pft
as I fly against them, heading home
There is blood on my breath
and quick night in my eyes
somewhere between nightmares and sweet dreams

Top of the Page.

(Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved by Thomas Paul (WordWulf) SternerHowe - No reproduction without express permission from the author.)

For more of his poems, go to

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Letter to the Author: Thomas Paul (WordWulf) SternerHowe