Seeker Magazine October 2004

Buddha in a peaceful setting. Photo credit Susan Kramer

We Can All Be Healers

Susan Kramer

We all have the potential to heal through caring attitudes, thoughts, prayers and actions. 

It is the energy of loving care
that is the true Healer.
When a loving thought or action is directed to
and expressed to another
Healing energy
Balancing energy
is transmitted.

Some healers earn their living with their gifts, and some make healing their gift. Both routes have their purpose. Whether healing is our vocation or avocation, the gift of healing extended beyond one's self opens the doorway within the healer to their Self - to their soul - an open line to their Source-Resource.

We only have so many hours in a day. And whether we are active as a full-time or part-time healer we must retain balance in our body-mind. If we do not take good care of ourselves, we are of no use to anyone else. Time spent in service must be balanced in nurturing our body-mind while living on earth. That means getting enough sleep each night, eating regular meals, exercising every day, taking a few short periods out for meditation and reflection, and having regular recreation.

Each of us can be a silent healer in the midst of our busy day. We do this by maintaining a positive attitude. A positive attitude produces useful thoughts. And our useful thoughts set the stage for positive and constructive actions. As an active or silent healer we are all on earth to grow further in consciousness. Even those who are very active as healers, devoting their whole life to service of humanity, are here for the purpose of furthering their own growth in consciousness.

I do not believe anyone on earth does not benefit from their time here. When we fully embrace life - body, mind, heart and soul, we continue to grow ever closer to the bosom of Divine Love.

We do not even have to announce ourselves as healers when we live lovingly in this world - we are spontaneously transmitting healing energy. In our natural inborn harmony we are aligned with the ecstatic, intelligent force that guides and energizes every atom of existence - every atom making up every molecule, and combination of elements in the substance of our universe.

In summary, we are all meant to be healers to one another, by maintaining positive attitudes and their subsequent productive thoughts and actions - realigning our outer world with the atomic and unseen harmonious forces supporting us. Active healers may be earning their livelihood with their gifts. Or, active healers may be donating their gifts in their spare time.

And whether as an active healer, or a silent healer, we all need to lead a balanced life to preserve and nurture the vehicle of our body-mind, while we still carry a body-mind.

We come to earth to share our special gifts, and receive the special gifts of others. And by the intertwining of our lives, we all benefit and grow in harmony - opening wide for each other the doorways to knowledge of the One Self residing in all.

We Can All Be Healers copyright 2004 Susan Kramer
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