Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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What it is we are
By R. N. Homer Christensen

     I say (quite tentatively)
     that god is energy
     that we are made
     _that every thing is made_
     of atoms
     which are energy
     which is god.

     These atoms are alive, even if inanimate
     to our sense of time or scale.

     We mingle atoms, each with each
     (our boundaries indefinite, imprecise)
     and our soul is simply the thought
     keeping our atoms in check
     from flying amok.

**This work is copyrighted by R. N. Homer Christensen (homer@homerchristensen.com).
	Visit his website at  (homerchristensen.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

     by Novareinna

So many names I do not know and yet, I feel the sorrow grow For all of those who fought the fight and who's to say what's wrong or right? Departing heroes, praised and cheered, returned as outcasts, scorned and jeered, And though the world would fain forget, are those who fell not owed a debt? Some cigarettes, a can of beer--what memories do these hold dear? Mementos of a time gone by--it's hard to see your best friends die. The war which stole a country's young has left too many songs unsung. I saw the children sadly view a father's name they never knew; I watched a mother as she cried and touched the name of one who died. With sadness marked on every face, I saw the tears and sensed the waste And, after all was said and done, just what was gained? Who lost? Who won? How many ask the question, "Why?" and wait in vain for a reply? So stark in its simplicity, this Wall which stretched on endlessly, But those who came to seek and find, departed with an easier mind; A longing now was satisfied--the need to say that last "Goodbye." Each lettered symbol was a life which tried to put an end to strife In answer to a nation's call--thousands of names etched on a Wall. A Wall of Healing and of Pain, for some returned and some remain. To those who still live in turmoil and those who died on foreign soil, Those whose dreams were stilled and hushed and those whose dreams have turned to dust, To those who search their souls for truth and those who sacrificed their youth, Those who mourn with deep regret and those who never will forget, To those who feel compelled to roam and those who never will come home, To those who gave all they could give and those now struggling to live, The hope that time will grant release, in Freedom's name, to rest in peace.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- **This work is copyrighted by Novareinna (novareinna@aol.com). Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

 A. T. Al-Saud.

      Beautiful people just and fair,
      come amongst us here and there.
      But we are all blind & cannot see,
      our own frailty, petty folly & stupidity.
      The bard did write in times gone by,
      that love is blind, & so am I.

      Foolish as this thought may be,
      I was tempted this world to see.
      Spirit took flesh, now I am here,
      from what I see, I can take no cheer.
      As I watch the human race,
      vandalise & destroy this sacred place.

      Portents from God, do come & go,
      but most are too uncaring to know.
      Rapt by their own weel being,
      they pass through life unseeing.
      The glory & splendour of every day,
      that does surround them in every way.

      Man is no different from any other,
      we too are creatures born of a mother.
      We expend our alotted time before we die,
      to learn truth and caring or else why ?

      On this planet we are brought to be,
      the lesson learned that nothing is free.
      We must wake to our responsibility,
      while yet we have some control of our destiny.

      But wisdom & justice both must be,
      if humanity must reach the next century.
      So far we have not done too well,
      but then there won't be anyone to tell.

      There was a race called man that came,
      they went leaving nothing the same.
      If it is our wish & destiny to die,
      let us leave alone other life forms, bye & bye.
      For none among us can say "What care I ?"
      If none of us has any sense you know,
      One day, all of us will have to go.

      Please, feel free to play with this my tale of woe
      a caution from just one voice in the wilderness.

**This work is copyrighted by Abdulquayuum Temuldjinn Al-Saud (AQ@eldjinn.demon.co).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <SkyEarth1@aol.com>