Seeker Magazine

Letter From The Editor

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October 01, 1996

I can't stay attention span seems to have shrunk to gnat capacity, and I keep taking walks around the apartment in the middle of writings and editings. I drift into waking dreams without the slightest provocation, and people are getting tired of hearing me ask "What?" after every sentence.

Autumn makes me antsy. Yep..regular case of gypsy feet, wanderer's soul, and traveling mind. I know..this is supposed to happen in the sue me. My timing has always been less than perfect.

All I know is, once the long lazy summer comes to an end, I get the strongest yearning to be find new places, meet new people, and experience new things. The rooms seem to get smaller, sitting still is next to impossible and I get the most peculiar feeling that I'm missing something somewhere. It takes all my self control not to get in the car, and drive. In no particular direction, mind you..just where the grass is, well, different. Heck..I really don't even need grass..just different will suffice!

Maybe it's that subtle, spicy scent in the air, filling my mind with images of foreign shores and exotic marketplaces. Or perhaps it's the shadows lengthening into longer and longer nights, filling my soul with the longing to follow the sun. Whatever it is, it stirs my blood, and rustles the cobwebs in my mind.

Having had a lot of experience with this is, after all an annual psychosis, and I've had my share of annuals..I have learned to be careful about my decisions in the fall. I keep a wary eye on myself, in order to keep my normally impulsive, and now chaotic nature in check. After all, running off after dreams on a whim can be hazardous to your health, right? One must be logical, and practical, and..hmmm..what was that?

As the haunting sounds of the southbound geese fill the early evening air, I sit for a moment, contemplating.. Jumping up, I grab a jacket, and run out into the yard, shouting out into the brisk northerly wind.

"Wait! I'm coming, guys! Don't leave without me!"

Awww..come can a dream chase or two hurt?

Denise Ruiz
Editor - Seeker Magazine

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