Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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"She played the piano."

She played the piano.
Her hands slid gracefully
over the ivory keys,
the ebony sharps and flats,
and spun a web of melody.

The enchanted tones pulsed
over his before-deaf ears
and created an eternal rhythm,
a harmonious collage of sounds,
that has echoed through the years.

A net of notes was thrown
over his entranced heart and soul
and captivated all he was and will be,
every hope and dream,
ending his search for a singular whole.

He'll find that melody once again,
though when he cannot know,
for each tune has its end,
a time when the divine music of love is over.
She played the piano.

~~Derek DeHart 6/28/97

**This work is copyrighted by DyrkHawke. (DyrkHawke@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


claws of mighty talons
piercing supple bark
carving his place in time
like a textured gravestone
alive with force
breathing a woodsy scent
throughout the aura of the canyon
aloft he soars
detached, oblivious
would he be so aloof
if he could know.....
the greed, death, triumph, defeat
and all he represents
as he carves pure blueness above
pushing cool air aside
swimming through winter crispness
effortlessly parting his path?
in solitude he remains
pondering a trembling rabbit
hiding beneath bare twigs
exposed beyond her comprehension
she lay awaiting death
a swansong helplessly screams
from her heart
for someone to hear
with the pride of the bird
we leave our etchings


**This work is copyrighted by Cyndee ( flyingtpot@aol.com ).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


how you long
to be of they
just watch out
they make you pay

your fluff will come
curly and white
you show it well
you're outta sight

the time is near
for you to sleep
when you wake
you will be sheep

no more worries
no more cares
i look deep into eyes
of mindless stares

SEL 7/31/97

**This work is copyrighted by Quirky1878@aol.com ( Quirky1878@aol.com ).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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