By M. Brandon DeGeorge


You wanna hear something cool? About two weeks ago, one of my best friends (I have a few and love them all equally...but who's counting 'cept maybe paranoid me) came back from a trip, where she had seen a psychic. She didn't go just to see the psychic...the psychic just happened to be the cool something to do that day...but, never mind, I'm rambling. ::breath::

ANYWAY...the psychic said she would soon meet a foreign man with whom she'd have a brief romance before he had to go back to his own country...but then, he'd come back, and they would get married. Sounds pretty cool, huh? Believe it, or not? I'll leave that up to you. Here's the rest of the story.

Needless to say, the whole week after her return, we were joking about it. Every guy she would talk to, we'd be like: " he a foreigner?" "Where's he from?" etc, etc. THEN, a most MONUMENTAL thing happened. A few friends (including her) and I went out one night in Manhattan. We had a ball! (I get depressed thinking about how difficult it is going to be to top that night.) AND THEN she meets a GUY...spends half the night talking to him...AND HE'S FOREIGN!!!!!! As foreign as people who are born in County Killarny, Ireland, are in New York City, anyway. Coincidence? You make the decision.


The point is not that this happened, but that it can happen. I think what I said to her after the night was over sums it up pretty well. I said, "There are powerful things going on in our universe that we do not (and maybe cannot) understand...and we should humble ourselves before such power(s)." Or something like was a late night (early morning?) and I was tired...and I was humbled.

One of my college science professors once said, "In science, we don't actually know ANYTHING. All we have are theories and collected data that support them." As we know, just because you can prove something true, doesn't make it true. When I say that, I mean universal truth, like good and evil, which is still only a concept...gets confusing, doesn't it? Hume (great philosopher and cool dude) said that we could reason ourselves into and out of any argument. Logic by itself is illogical.


I'm going to take a moment to soapbox. I observe people (hopefully in order to try and understand them better and not because I'm looney), and I see some of the most outrageously presumptuous attitudes taken by people who believe they are in CONTROL. Control of what, I ask. Whether they are completely ignorant or just simply naive, I'm not sure, and I wouldn't chance to guess. Are these people so blind to the world? Does the assumption of being in control blind them to the fact that they are really worse off than a plane with no wings?

As we know...knowledge is power. (Repeat the mantra with me.) The more we know, the more we grow; the more we grow, the more we transcend!! Of course, I must now ask the silly question: Why would anybody not want to do that? Ask yourself this question, and see what your real reasons are. It might help you focus yourself for your journey ahead.

Siwrnai dda.

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