Seeker Magazine

PatCat Elton

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PatCat Elton spent the last twenty years as a working mother of four children, active in community and statewide land use politics in California, particularly as an outspoken leader on behalf of private property rights. Throughout the years, she applied her spirituality, wisdom and leadership in her family, church and community. Her world was shattered, however, when her three-year-old son was sexually assaulted. She founded and served as Chairman of Californians For Tougher Child Molestation Laws creating the first Molester I.D. hotline in the state. After her marriage ended, PatCat decided to return to school, and while there, she found her passion for writing was for more than just public policy. Her words became chocolate powder, so to speak, which, when mixed with the cold drink of experience and being stirred with her pen, became the sweet taste of wisdom and reflection. She still works in her community and enjoys her time as a mother, but now savors the moments of poetry writing as her wellspring, drawing upon wisdom and beauty of the life around her.

           IRISH  STRINGS

          How effortlessly
           you hold me by
           the back of my
            scrolled hand
             So   gently
              your chin
             rests  upon
             my shoulder
             So tenderly
             each ribbon
             of your bow
          smoothes the bend
         in my arm, plucking
        and lancing  my veins,
     so ingeniously, incisively,
    so invisibly, you intermingle
   my blood with your Irish lament
    heard in the lands of Ulster.
        Each caressing stroke,
      draws within me compassion
     Each sorrowful strand bridges
  your homeland to my heart. My heart
 surrenders to the cries of your people,
 amplifying their power, their character
   their strength,    their laughter
      their music still resonating
         within me, Sinn Fein!


With sparks of hope hidden
in azure blindness,
with memories that redden
saddened eyes surmising
broken mirrors and cloudy lenses ruminate horizon

As a wave topples Achille's
gnawing at understanding
As value of false beliefs
erode in the fluidity of remorse
uncertainty discovers an uncharted course

Of a rhythm of deep arms and bays
in pendulant swells
Of the weighing of reason one sways
measuring one's madness with tidal Eterne,
vacillation is vital and embraced by the learner

Between moments of splendor
and heartache fermenting
Between tearful surrender
and arm-crossed denial,
past and present converse, sand and sea reconcile

To grit of the coarse grain
unconquered though fallen
To taste not in vain
the cordial in tearful brine
The soul is humbled and wisdom refined

How the sea with such power
leaves the shore near deserted
How that same sea with treasure
buried truth deep in the sands
Balance restores at the shore where one lands.


 Hand in hand we
 stroll down an asphalt path
 with airplanes buzzing overhead
 and distant trains screeching halt,
 trying to observe what little there is in silence,
 trying to muffle the ramblings-
 This bird type, That industrial use,
 This rail line now That park trail. . .

     Listening to the silent weeping of the
          wildflower wasted in aggregate base.

 Marching along in lockstep we
 parade past dog strollers with plastic wrap,
 hearing their canine chatter
 of injuries, accidents and diseases,
 while restraining freedom with a tightly held leash
 with no space to skip, or run, or dance

     Measuring the distance between us,
          glancing at the distant concrete horizon

 Take of the air we
 breathe in the cool salt air,
 respiring the only refuge,
 tasting the anise, the chamomile
 and honey-drenched flowers,
 Even inhaling becomes laborious
 by the sudden consuming kiss

     Breaking free to find the peaceful shore
          what rest can be found there?

 Step by cautious step we
 tip-toe on gravel paths to debris strewn shore
 careful to avoid discarded cylinders of destruction
 or rusted-open, once-sealed chemical drums,
 careful not to be contaminated by love
 among this toxic shore

     Seeking only to catch a glimpse
          at what the lone fisherman reels in. . .

 Vision is blocked by wall of companion,
 who kisses not in the rhythm of the waves,
 nor allows the sea breeze to dance with lips,
 But clings to the hope of being taught
 by one whom clings to the hope of what is not--
     Not a kiss without sea breezes
          Not a hug without freedom
               Not a taste without savor
                    Not a soul without contamination

                  sunset squintessence
                gold  eyelashes  glisten
               effervescent waters shimmer
               teardrops       to puddles
                to ponds   to waterfalls
                  to rivers  to oceans
                       to horizons
   Moist cool mountain                 mist on my skin
facing my shadow         warmed          back to the sun
I am the  in the   from the  beside the  embraced by the
fountain     around me         within me      through me
     I am absorbed in sensation    Soaking it all in
           knowledge,    wisdom       wonder
         Spirit-chasing    for     inspiration
     grace,   purpose,   and       prayers answered
      I am by the well like the woman, like Moses
                      serene, silent,
Each incessant,
      sanctified          whisper
                         of  water,  breeze-dancing

                    wherefore I confess
          am cleansed,   comforted,   and caressed
               by Creation's absolving kisses,
                   releasing the Spirit.

(Inspired by Woodminster Cathedral, Oakland Hills, CA)


There among the solemn ancient towers,
rests the Redwood Virgin, just like Lot's wife-
a sallowed monument in craggy stone.

So lovely she once stood in her courtyard-
Majestic Queen once crowned by the heavens.
The seething earth erupted around her;
Her once comfortable woods languishing.
No way to leave, her life deeply rooted,
She held on to false hope, a fatal mistake.

Paralyzed by her own entrenchment she
looked back in regret, a moment too long;
no escape; indecision; her molten demise.

With Wisdom's eyes, I touched the cold truth,
I have wept tears for her wasted years,
and followed each drop of rain falling down,
tracing each trail of pain with my fingers-
along hardened ridges, each fractured scar,
each ring of regret repeats the lament.

Wisdom pervades the impermeable.
each trickle cleansing the essence of pain,
meticulously sowing seed and soil-

Youth sprouting inside the marbelized rock-
delicate fern and sweet, fragrant laurel,
the sculptured manzanita, the wise oak.
Through tears and truthful sorrow hope reborn
in clearer and crystallized perfection;
in the glorious dawn--Wisdom blesses.

Revealing to those who seek Her lesson,
Wisdom's invisible, transforming tears
permeate even the petrified stone.

Copyright 1998 by PatCat Elton

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PatCat Elton
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