Seeker Magazine

An Interview with Ken Carey

by Randy Peyser

Ken Carey is the author of "The Starseed Transmission," "Vision, Return of the Bird Tribes," and "Flatrock Journal" and "The Third Millenium."

Randy Peyser: Where do you get your information when you write your books? Is it all channeled to you?

Ken Carey: Well, I don't channel in the sense that many do. It's not a process of my ego stepping aside, and some foreign entity taking over and speaking through me. I'm a full participant in the process, both in terms of my spirit and my ego.

I relax into a larger experience of being. It's a matter of taking that sense of self that we call the ego and not denying or rejecting it, but relaxing it...relaxing its interpretations of the world around us, relaxing its definitions, relaxing its defenses.

When I relax into this larger experience of being, I find that my heart increasingly opens in love. I have a saying that "I can understand anything that I can love."

I speak about this in my newest book, The Third Millenium. For me the process of opening up to a larger field of awareness is a process of beginning to love everything immediately around me. I begin with my body, my clothes, the chair I'm sitting on if I'm indoors, or the rock I'm sitting on if I'm outside, or the tree I may be leaning against.

The more I'm able to love, the more I realize that all of this is part of me. We're all cells in the same whole. We're all parts of the same beautiful planetary organism.

There does come a point sometimes, not always, when my love just opens up like this. I feel this awareness and especially the creative force of the life of this earth. I feel a love that is so indescribable I can't help but try to put it into words now and again.

RP: A lot of times before opening to love, there's fear.

KC: There's fear because opening to love can be a scary process. There is no dishonesty in love. If you think of the life force in your body as a current of love, it's like a brilliant light. When that light shines, the shadows become darker and more distinct.

Opening to love helps us to see where we have not been honest to ourselves, or games we might be playing. People sometimes are scared of that, but it's nothing to be afraid of.

I like to see things that I may be doing that inhibit the flow of creativity in my life, so I welcome the process. There's times I see things I'd rather not see, but I'm glad I do because it indicates an area where I need to change to become a more loving person.

RP: How do you feel we're doing as a planet in terms of opening?

KC: We're right on schedule and I think we're doing amazingly well. When I wrote The Starseed Transmission in 1978, the world was such a tremendously different place. The changes since then have been phenomenal. The Starseed Transmission spoke about major global, political and economic changes taking place between the years 1987 and 1989 and it was between those years that the Berlin Wall came down and Eastern Europe was freed, apartheid ended in South Africa, and the Soviet Union collapsed. So wonderful things have been happening.

I know there are still problems. The break up of the old polarized communist versus free world has created a whole new set of problems, but they're becoming more manageable. They're becoming problems on a scale that we can creatively address and solve.

The tendency of the media is to focus on the negative simply because the negative results in reportable events alot more than the positive does. But despite the media, there's no doubt in my mind, just on the basis of the people I meet and my own experience, that the world is infinitely more conscious now than it was a decade or two ago. And that process is only going to continue. In fact, I believe it is accelerating more rapidly than before.

RP: That sounds very positive. You sound very hopeful.

KC: You have to be. It's not that I don't have my own doubts from time to time. I certainly do. But I know deep down that we've embarked on a wonderful adventure. And while no one can predict all the twists and turns that the road before us may take, I know the destination that it's leading to. I've seen it. I've lived it, and it's here now for those who are willing to release the past programming, the fear, the judgment, and the prejudice that gets in the way of seeing it.

RP: Can you talk a little about what that destination looks like to you?

KC: I see it simply as a state in which our human family exists without shooting ourselves in the foot every five minutes, and without exceeding our own purposes and engaging in so much counter-productive activity.

Humans have been abusive to one another, to the planet and to other species. The future that I write about in The Third Millenium is the time when we will realize that it is not in our best interest to solve a disagreement through armed conflict when we could negotiate instead. We'll begin to realize that much of our historical behavior is simply no longer viable and obviously never was useful.

This is already being realized increasingly. I think the creativity that we'll be able to express as a species will be so beautiful. I see the potential. And it's not just potential; it is being manifested in many places. There are groups that are working to feed the hungry in inner cities. People all over are showing that there is a way that we can exist on this planet, in love with one another and the earth and other creatures. I just see this spreading and becoming increasingly the norm.

RP: What do you think about all the predictions about earth changes?

KC: There have always been earth changes. I think there will be more than there have been in the past. Whether they're cataclysmic depends a lot on us. I don't think they necessarily have to be harmful.

Last year or the year before, in Missouri, we had big floods. My heart went out to all those farmers who got flooded out along the Mississippi River. But at the same time I thought, it flooded this way in the twenties, it flooded this way in the fifties, and they've built their homes on a flood plain. If it floods occasionally, they've got to expect that.

There's not enough respect for nature. Alot of what we see as cataclysmic is simply the earth telling us, "Look, you've got to honor me more. You've got to honor the nature of this flood plain." This is reality and this is part of what the earth needs, North America needs, to cleanse herself. We can't stop it because it happens in good, good fertile ground.

If you want to grow crops down here, grow them down here, but build your house up on the hill. It's the same with the hurricane in Dade County, Florida. It was heart-breaking to see what those people experienced. But that land was never meant to be packed with so many dwellings.

There's a certain sense of the earth and what it's for that I see coming into our awareness. The government's talking about no longer continuing federally subsidized flood insurance for places that flood regularly. This is a good sign. It shows that we're beginning to pay more attention to the landscape so that ultimately our buildings can be better. Some architects are already creating structures that are designed to be a part of the earth, to respect a local watershed, the nature of the soil, the rainfall and the climactic conditions.

It's this sort of increasing respect for the earth that many of these natural disasters are guiding us towards and leading us to. I think it's the earth's way of saying, "Hey, have you forgotten somebody here?"

RP: Any last thoughts you'd like to share?

KC: Yes. I'd like to emphasize that the way we look at things, our favorite view points, our favorite concepts, the images that we use to describe reality to ourselves, our religions, our belief systems, and our politics are of no more eternal significance than the color of the clothes we wear from day to day.

If these things help us become more loving, conscious people, if they help us become more aware of the miraculous nature of the planetary life that surrounds us, and if they help us to be more creative, then they're good. I don't care what continent they come from, what cultures they're steeped in or what beliefs they involve. If they help us do those things, they're positive.

This helps me to remember what I tend to forget sometimes -— it helps me remember what a miraculous universe I live in.

There will be those who can relate to The Third Millennium and those who can't, but I think the most important thing is that we respect the paths that our sisters and brothers are on, whatever form they take, because ultimately it is our love for one another and our union that is going to bring about the greatest and most beneficial planetary changes.

We'll never agree on the level of the mind. We're never going to agree on a belief system or a conceptual framework. But we can already agree in our hearts, simply because we are humans, and we are living together in an incredible world on the brink of a new and wondrous era.

RP: We're all in this together.

KC: That's right. There's no doubt about it.

Copyright 1998 Randy Peyser. All Rights Reserved; Reprinted herein with permission of the author.

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