Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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November 2000

I write this as the United States remains in the throes of vote-counting meltdown in the choosing of the next president. At least, no one will bring out the artillery -- at least, not the bullet-spewing kind -- to settle the matter. It has certainly been a strange week.

Aside from the concern that the Governor of the one of the most polluted states in the country might just be the next prez, what is there to worry about? Well, there is the venomous hatred being practiced in the Middle East. I just received an email from OwlWoman33 and I quote:

James Twyman, author of Emissary of Light and Praying Peace, was recently in Jerusalem to help focus a worldwide prayer vigil for peace in the Middle East. Hundreds of Thousands of people joined the vigil, many of them linking live to Jerusalem via WorldPuja

Days later, Twyman read in a newspaper an offhand remark made by Yasser Arafat that peace will not come to the Middle East without a million strong prayers. Through the Internet we have the ability to supply him with these prayers within days or weeks. Go to Emissary of Light and you will find a box to write your prayer. When the counter reads one million a copy of every prayer will be produced on an enormous scroll and will then be brought to Israel.

From James Twyman:
"Millions of people have participated in the many prayer vigils that have taken place in the last few years. Until now it has been impossible to quantify the exact number, or to make a concrete statement that could be experienced physically as well as spiritually. If we can gather one million prayers of peace for the Middle East I believe we will have achieved something truly remarkable. I believe that prayer is the most powerful force in the universe, and I invite you to feel that power for yourself by adding your prayer to the list. Don't wait, but act now."

In the same manner that people tend to think that their one vote doesn't matter (and we are seeing in the United States the reality that one vote does indeed matter), so perhaps you think that one more prayer doesn't matter. Well, maybe it does and it will. As in the well-known Dr. Seuss story, "Horton Hears a Who," your voice, your thought for peace may be the one that will raise the consciousness of the world to enact peace.

Peace...think it, dream it, live it,

Telephoto of Mt. Evans from Upper Bear Creek Road, Evergreen, Colorado
(Photo copyright 2000 by Cherie Staples - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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