Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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November 2001

Looking in the Mirror

These are times that try men's and women's souls. Perhaps we need to reread Harold Krushner's When Bad Things Happen to Good People (I'm trying to remember if I have read it at all).

Perhaps we need to realize that no one of us has the whole answer but it is through our discourse by which we may find the whole answer. And discourse requires both a speaking and a listening. Listening requires an open mind and speaking requires an open heart. Who among us would define ourselves as having a wholly open mind and heart?

I happened to be talking with an elder woman in the church where I sing and mentioned "Seeker." She said that she had written poetry and a week later brought in several pieces. I am including one which simply states what we all sort of know but frequently need reminding about. (And for those of you who have listened to Michael Jackson, does his song about the man in the mirror comes to mind?)

A Better World Begins With Me
By Ida Crossan

I talked with God before I came
And then I heard Him call my name.
"Have you done all you could today;
Reached out with love in every way,
Listened to understand,
And really given a helping hand?

Have you smiled at passers-by,
Taken time to see the sky,
Enjoyed the flowers and heard the birds,
Stopped with neighbors for friendly words?

Do you hug and love your child,
Who looks to you for temper mild?
[S]he looks to you in work and play
To set examples in every way.
Do you send him on his way
Knowing how to face the day?

When you are faced with tribulation
Do you tend to blame the nation,
Or do you face up to challenge hopefully,
To come out successful and filled with glee?"

And then I heard Him say,
"I listen to you when you pray;
You know you criticized today?"

Then God took me by the hand.
In front of my mirror He had me stand.
I looked hard and long and I did see

Thank you, Ida, for sharing. Hate does not do anyone any good. Revenge is a great sourer of human kindness. This world needs all the kindness it can get.


Just a bit of fluff: milkweed seeds
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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at