Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of women and men

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Denner: Cord Cutting | Spicciati: Who are we to Judge |
Yosh: the last one | Wikkins: The Most Horrible Morning

Cord Cutting

by Richard Denner

Yeshe asks me to be her surrogate father
Lloyd, born 1917 in Arkansas
Shirsten will play the part of Emma
the mother, born in Peru

We meet at the sweat lodge
Yeshe is wearing peasant clothing
a long skirt, a white blouse
Sparky Shooting Star and Tsultrim
stand to one side to guide us

The three of us form a triangle
with a ribbon around our waists
and Emma and I speak to our daughter
how she has lived up to our expectations
time, now, for her to be on her own

As she wrestles with this separation
we cut the cord of one too long in our service
and her tears fling aside the pretence of the rite
and hammer home the meaning of being grown

Copyright 2001 by Richard Denner (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
More poems by the author may be seen at dPress
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Who are we to Judge

by Jennifer Spicciati

Who are we to judge the man holding a bottle
we call a bum,
or the child who wears no shoes,
who are we to judge,
when we are to ashamed to walk and give them a hug,
Because we are scared of what are friends will say,
who are we to judge another because of what
they wear or by the voice in which they speak,
Who are we to judge,
the mother who begs because the world has
turned away,
Who are we to judge, when instead we can
show them love and give hope instead of
empty thoughts
If only we just open are hearts and give love
instead of judging,
the world would be a
better place.

Copyright 2001 by Jennifer Spicciati (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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the last one

by Yosh

the last one doesn't walk in to the room,
it is felt, and yet still maybe not,
the one you expected, be last.

the last one differentiates between moralities.
being, and being seen, as the finalities,
of the relationship between two objects.

animation is separate.

things don't always end the way we want them to,
addiction is in the middle. animation is separate.
you can only control your side.

make the decisions you can make,
you can only control your side.

do not over-react.
to great pain, or great happiness.

the last one is smoked,
maybe without knowing
that this will be the last one.

not appreciated,
the last one is not the one you'd necessarily remember,
only notice there is change ready to occur,
and blessed, temptates fate
with glistening eyes,
and soothing affection.

addiction is in the middle.

the last one reminds you,
that you aren't going to live forever.
animation is separate.

Copyright 2001 by Yosh. (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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The Most Horrible Morning

by Jonathan Wikkins

When I got back, from there…
That night, I couldn't sleep…
I told you, "I love you."
But you didn't respond… Why not…?
Weren't you there?

I thought I touched your shoulder…
Didn't I…?
Was that your voice, saying, "I love you"?

Is that you, in the moonlight?
Was that your hand, that touched me?
What am I thinking?

Perhaps, when I sleep tonight,
I'll wake in the morning,
I'll realize the last few days were nothing more,
Than a horrible nightmare…
Sleep… come over me…
Let me finish this nightmare,
And you'll be here…

Close eyes… sleep come… finish this nightmare…
So I can wake in the morning,
And she'll be here…
And the last few days,
Are just that, the most horrible nightmare
Anyone has ever had…

Sleep comes… I think…
Is this a dream?
I love you… Why don't you respond?

Oh no, is it morning already?
I feel for you in the bed…
Where are you?
Did you wake before me?
Yes, that's it, you're out making coffee…
Let me go look… "Honey, where are you?
Oh yeah, you went into work last night…
Why don't I remember that though...?

What's this? Flowers?
I don't remember buying you flowers,
Especially this fresh…
Where did they come from…?
Oh, there's a card…
Maybe that'll remind me…

What's this on the card?
The card says… NO… PLEASE…
It's not possible…
You're here… you're just at work… Right…?

The card says:
"in sympathy…" NO…. PLEASE NO…
It can't be….

These last few days, were nothing,
More than a nightmare… RIGHT?
They were… weren't they?

Nightmare, come back…
Let her be here, when I wake…

Suddenly, the phone rings… Is it you?
A woman's voice says…
"you're back,"
but it's not your voice…
"can I do anything for you?
I'm so sorry…"

Oh my GOD…
NO… it can't be… It can't be true…
But it is… NO… NO… NO…
She'll be here in a few minutes…

There's a knock on the door…
Why did you knock? You live here…
That's it, you forgot your key…
But, it's a friend of ours… It's not you…

Please don't make me open the door…
Because… if I do…
It can only mean… One of two things…
Either the two of us shared the same nightmare,
Or… NO… please NO…
That's not possible…
What's that forlorn look on her face?
That means…

If that's not possible…
Then that means… NO… NO…

That means…
That horrible nightmare, was no nightmare…
The memory… the memory… is… real…
It's real…
My wife… died… in… my… arms…

Copyright 2001 by Jonathan Wikkins. (
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.
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Letter to the Editor: Cherie Staples (skyearth1@aol.com).