Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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November 2002


It's November and in the United States, this month is known for its Thanksgiving holiday. In its honor, I thank every one of you folks who contribute to Seeker Magazine. I know I'm not overly wordy in my replies to your submissions, while remembering to thank you individually. Now, I wish to acknowledge that without you there wouldn't be the Seeker Magazine that many people read and enjoy.

Every now and then, I receive a note from a writer who thanks me for encouraging them, for helping them get their words out there, and how it gave them the boost to get to other venues and now they've been published in print, paid for their work, been recognized in other ways.

Every time I get one of these, I am thankful. Another light has come out from under the bushel basket and found reward.

Blessings on you all,

Remember the The Walk for Democracy

Sunrise in East Montpelier, Vermont
Photo and writing copyright 2002 by Cherie Staples.

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at