The authors have delved into ancient and modern stories to discover what this spirituality of imperfection is about and how their readers can better accept and, perhaps more importantly, discover and acknowledge their own imperfections. And how it is that learning one's own spirituality is understanding imperfections and how one lives with and loves with them.
They've chosen stories from Alcoholics Anonymous, from the Hebraic tradition, from ancient Greek philosophers, from a French nun, from current writers and story-tellers, and others.
Here's one paragraph:
And if we do "fall short"? That very awareness of "falling short" implies two related realities: First, we are trying, and second, we need to try again. There is no failure here, for spirituality, as the ancients reminded over and over again, involves a continual falling down and getting back up again. That is why humility--the knowledge of our own imperfections--is so important, and that is why spirituality goes on and on and on, a never-ending adventure of coming to know ourselves, seeing ourselves clearly, learning to be at home with ourselves.
May you be blessed in the art of learning to know yourselves,