Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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November 2004

Activism on Medical Care

I want to share with you a story that came from Democracy for America's weblog. It doesn't start out political, but it ends with a call to activism for a different reason. (The Democracy for America organization was created by former Gov. Howard Dean after he dropped from the race for the Democratic nomination and transformed the former Dean for America site.)

If you are familiar with blogs and visit one frequently, you get to "know" the people who post, and with the Dean/Democracy blog, the regular posters became good friends across the ether and in reality through their activism on the campaign trails. One of the many groups that formed to support Dean was called Punx for Dean and it was started by a young woman named Kimmy who lived in California.

In early August Kimmy began writing about her younger sister Christy who had gone to the doctor's with "stomach pain, joint pain and fever." She died on November 5th. The story of the medical care this young woman received at a Texas hospital is revealed through the email posts which another blogger received from Kimmy. Renee then created a special webpage to post them for the rest of the blog family to visit and to keep Christy and her family held in prayer.

I invite you to read it at Christy's updates. If nothing else, it will arouse awareness of the unnerving statistic that an alarming number of deaths come from hospital-induced infections. Then perhaps you might visit Light for Christy Blogspot. But most importantly, you will become alarmed enough to go to the Stop Hospital Infections hosted by Consumers Union and learn more and take action.

Keeping the flame burning,

A tidal stream in a sea meadow in Maine
Copyright 2004 by Cherie Staples.

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