Seeker Magazine - November 2004

Cynthiana Kentucky and Other Poems

by Shannon Pugh

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Cynthiana Kentucky

You can not pave this road in human bone
It's seen too many saints kneeled before it
Too many innocent souls die and bleed upon it.

And you can not turn the Licking River to blood
Feet and jagged rocks have given more red than can be understood
Too many, pure hearted people, fading into muddy creeks and capillaries.

As it gives, it takes
As character flows it breaks
The stream rises and falls
Silts before the default

And we are a rocking chair mess
With coarse grey hair
Failing minds

But you can not use us
Wisdom is life's bite in the ass

Two paths bricked in living and dying

Pay fifty dollars for this poem

One poet for sale
A likely steal for robbing hands
Aimless minds that wonder on- when long lines are in use

For the dazed and abused
“The blood bank” of corporate vampires
The mild and drifting crowd

Will never understand
Dynamics in the fortitude of dynamite
Unbroken rhythm

Cradles slaving into the grave
Hand puttering desperately to mouth
Tired feet and wilting aspirations
Enough to wish
Give me fifty dollars for this poem

Summer 2004: The White Out of a Generation

It's been snowing all summer
And you see it in skin and bones
White lies through red bloody teeth
“There isn't a problem”

Panic attacks when no one is looking
And the proof is in the fear of knowing
Blown snow piles up all around

A generation frozen out before its time
In the heat of summer

Drama: Formally known as Gossip

Chattering the realm of wonder
Up and down like a ravenous river-dance jig
                That devours sparkling girls with gentlemen's laughter

They spin and turn a whirly whirl game
Of mouse and defeated cat
                Sputter-mutter this- empty meaning that

They stomp out a hedonistic beat
                Only to punch in and out
                A strict and simple pleasure

The revenge that lastly comes
A war of feet and toes
                And the woe of “is to be known”

The Black Heart of a Crow

It was the eclipsing of two souls
Lost in the darkness of time
A few minutes in immortality

Where crows pecked away the flesh
In painless chunks of meat
We just looked away

Meaning more than what it is to mean
A moment is given then taken
And all there is- is this black heart of a crow

The Worst Ghosts are Still Alive

Rolled around a few times too many
And now the clock is frowning down at 6:30
A minute too soon for an evening of candle light

The memories dance in the shadows of the setting sun
Loneliness was invited to dinner and never left
He lugs weightlessness like a burden at 9:00

Then slips into a bed with another fellow
After shaving with my good razor
Oh, dullness. Cuts at the face and soul

Alone in an uncontrolled spinning room
The ceiling is waiting to collapse
And they are still loud and moaning at 11:00

Blinded by thin walls and sunken floors
The roaches moved out in the middle of the night
But he is still here in the morning

To greet the sun with his boyish charm
Charisma that shames the devil
Chest wide with soft curly hair


Every day
Just the same

Finger in the air- no wind

It is stagnant in this stay
Escape it, if you may

Hand is on the wheel
Give it one more feel

Wreck into a church- no one is hurt
But they cannot pray
On a Pagan holiday

Everyday is just a step
In no direction at all

The Election 2004

The Parting to Dark Clouds
Same as they rolled in
They now roll back
Something that was here to stay
Has faded away

And it is a refusal to die
Keeps us going
The unknowing of how to cry
That bleeds silver
Giving hope a minute to try

We know that there will be better days


It is only an angstrom from angst
Measured in tears
Fears tooled into extinction

Emotion vomit
Venom, course flowing spit

Choose is a whore
Bearing breast in a hollow square
Being and caring


Here and Apart

Shards of broken people litter the landscape
Mc Life, Mc Child, and single-serving lovers
Trashcans that fall over are left with their contents in the gutter

Chem-lawn-moss smells like burning tires
Painted dead grass
Seems beautiful from the highway

Utility is killing everything
Mass produced dreams
Weigh less than their packaging

Pieces of people, here and apart
Are left with their contents in the gutter
Painted grass walking
Eyes closed


Life is fragile
Handel with care

The Empowerment of Stupidity

Voice is just the vibration of molecules colliding
Symbols tossed across the void
Transporting forms from ear to ear
Year to year until it is blurred

Meaning is but a confused morning
Running into day head long

Written before the alphabet

Hands hold all of eternity
And contain, universes never seen, inside
The opposable nature of humanity
Dexterous amongst the fiber of space-time
Gripping and grappling with survival
Manipulatively rearranging the world
Until it is not malleable

Copyright 2004 by Shannon Pugh (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Table of Contents

Letter to the Author: Shannon Pugh