Excerpts from a Seeker's Journal

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All I could have said is that sometimes it is necessary.

With the coming of this time of year I always feel a weird sort of energy. Gods know I love it. One out of two periods of the year when we get to alter time. I've always wanted to do that. I constantly hear that people don't have enough time, hell, I even say it sometimes myself. I suppose it will always be a dream of mine to be able to manipulate time instead of always being at its mercy. Hardly seems balanced! Heh heh heh... >P> Like I said, this time of the year is partly crazy for me. A subtle manipulation of the order of our lives. The world changes from a vibrant outpouring energy to one more subdued, more internal. I suppose maybe I am feeling all the energy which was moving outward suddenly coming back inside. Then again maybe not, I can never tell about those things.

Anyway, this year, as the climaxing of the moon came so close to that special holiday marking the start of the Dark time, I felt a certain calling. Late one night as I was returning from class I kept staring up at the Moon passing behind the clouds. Which was probably not the safest thing to do as I was the driver, but no one noticed or made comment so I didn't think about it too much. The Moon was so beautiful, I don't think anyone had the heart to criticize.

As I watched this lovely Moon I felt an urge to do something, something vital, powerful. So when we reached our destination and everyone else moved on to their own respective quests I went on mine. There is a tower, a really neat tower with intriguing energy around it where I live. That tower was a part of my quest this evening.

I set out on the dark trail leading up to it, using only the Moon to guide my way. The crunching of leaves and the wind in the trees were my faithful companions. Okay, there were the sounds of cars and other town noises too, but I didn't really care. As I got closer to my tower, for it was mine tonight mine as long as I desired it, I slowed. Taking my time, aware of my breath and the natural world around me, I stalked towards my place of power.

I listened for the noises of silly humans with their incessant chatter and clumsy motions. For the moment there was nothing. In the tree line I waited until a heavy cloud covered my Moon. Then I was moving to the stronghold, my tower. I approached it warily, preparing for possible others. Unfortunately, there were none... ::wicked grin::

Moving very slowly I made my way up the stairs, wary lest the soft brush of my pant legs betray me. I reached the upper level without incident and cautiously looked up, keeping the possibility of ambushers in my awareness. Again it was empty.

Grinning like a fool I walked into the open space and looked up at the Moon, shining and full, just coming out from behind the clouds. I set down my pack on the tiny seat there and spread my arms wide, filling myself with power. I turned back to see Her again and let go a howl of joy.

When I finished the first, I began a second, then a third. I let everyone know that this was my tower, my Moon, and I loved them!

I howled on and on for the next couple hours. When I wasn't howling I was training. Dancing with one of the many elegant tools I have studied. Training hard and fast, then slow and languidly. I experimented with the flow of the tool and the flow of my body.

Sometimes I would stop dancing, flush with energy and look up at Her. And I would Howl. I would howl long and deep, straining myself. I would bark too, but only a little. Howling was the real invocation. She loved it, and I knew. There is a special connection that is developed at these times. Something which the sane people just don't quite get. It is one of the best feelings in the world.

When my energy was spent from my `prayers' I would return to the dance, the training. Accumulating power and worshipping as best I knew how. Spins, strikes, flowing the body in accordance with the tool, flowing the tool around the body. I danced for more energy, then I howled some more. Dancing, Howling, Dancing, Howling. I made myself known that night.

I was answered as well for it was truly my tower, I even heard some noisy people down below me for a while. They did not venture up though. Good idea on their part, no telling what a crazy Wolf like me might do...

A few times I even heard some brethren calling from the four winds. They sounded distant and lost. When I heard I called back to them, informing them that they were not alone. `Here I am! Here I am!' I would say. No one seemed to hear.

Except for Her, she heard it all. Taking pleasure as I did, enjoying my novice performance. She did not frown, She did not correct. There were no harsh words or feelings from Her. Simple appreciation was Her only response.

I had to stop eventually though, only so much worship can be done at one time. As I stealthily made my way from the scene I wondered what I might have said had someone actually confronted me about what I was doing up there. I couldn't really put it into words for them, what would I have said, `I'm howling prayers to Her'? I would have had to just shrug my shoulders, smile innocently and say, `Sometimes it is necessary.'

(Copyright 11/1/96 by David Langer - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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David Langer <dlanger@zoo.uvm.edu>
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