Seeker Magazine

The Unchanging

by: Dennis Hill

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The Unchanging is the conscious being of all that is. The Unchanging is so unchanging that it neither comes into, nor goes out of existence. From the creative power of the Unchanging emerges the mind, that creates a diversion for the eye of the Self. This imaginary distraction is the illusion of that which changes. It is, in fact, a passing dream of the Unchanging and is, therefore, not real. . . a mirage of the ephemeral on the horizon of the Eternal.

We first experience the Unchanging not by its presence but by its absence. Its absence comes to us as the insecurity of being alone. We are like a rudderless boat being buffeted about, seeking anchor in the storm. The mind seeks everywhere for something to hold on to. Little does it know. We grasp at the ephemeral only to find sand slipping through our fingers. Happiness is a moving target.


"In the kaleidoscope of change, seek only the unchanging." [Mikhail Naimy: The book of Mirdad] The seeking instinct is inborn to all sentient creatures. We seek outwardly as a matter of reflex. However, the seeking must be turned inward to reveal the Unchanging. Of course, it is at the bottom of the pile of all the wonders there to discover as we turn inward. We can know the Unchanging, not by thinking about it, but by not thinking about it. We touch the Unchanging in the utter stillness of meditation. Here is the safe harbor where we anchor against the winds of change, tides of impressions and storms of feelings.

We become the Unchanging through steadiness of character that reflects the inner stillness we practice in meditation. This is our home, our true nature, our source and goal. Here we find our Self; the end of our seeking and the beginning of perfect contentment.

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