In what is becoming an increasingly disturbing saga, the military is losing it's respect and honor stripes quicker than a zebra with leprosy. Allegations of rape, sexual harassment, and inhumane hazing have me wondering who's running the asylum, Edi Amin. The time has come for a reduction in military force and re-evaluation of leadership at the recruitment level.
The military changes over the last few years for women and gays, I believe, have put some narrow minded individuals on the defensive. Could it be that men who are trained to fear nothing feel threatened by women, suspected gays, and new recruits?
Over the last four months a stream of women have come forth with accusations ranging from sexual harassment to rape. Do you realize how ridiculous this makes the United States look? Why should we send troops to other countries to defend the defenseless when we can't even keep our hands off our own.
The latest incident involving the military was a videotaped ritual of newly earned parachute jump pins being ground into the chests of Marine paratroopers. All of a sudden these guys are bulletin boards? I know Marines are supposed to be tough, but isn't fraternity type hazing a little juvenile.
And to capture it on videotape is all the more degrading. Now your buddies can frame advance through each contortion of your face as the parachute pin punctures your chest for the fiftieth time. It's great family fun for all.
This isn't a case of boys will be boys. This is a lack of leadership, supervision, and higher brass looking the other way. Maybe somebody needs to check the military manual and see if the chapter on "Identifying the Enemy" is missing.
Some military officials claim that this type of activity creates unity and morale amongst the troops. I never realized it was necessary to strip a man or woman of their dignity, punch jump pins into their chest, and degrade them to create a lasting bond. Maybe tomorrow I'll kick my co-worker in the stomach so we too can have that special military camaraderie.
Now I realize with no major threat or war on the horizon a few of the grunts must feel like caged animals. I'm sure living in military housing and having to wear olive green all the time creates some tension in a person. But going after women and new recruits like O.J. on crack just isn't the answer.
What is the answer? Reduction of military forces is a start. Do we really need a military base in every country on the planet? What are we playing a giant game of Risk? The military at times is a magnet for real world rejects. A few of those rejects become great military leaders. The rest put in their five years, are honorably discharged and realize they have no skills in the outside world. Thus the increase in the night watchman occupation. We just can't keep accepting every stray that wanders to the guard shack at 2:00a.m.
I feel we should recruit only when necessary. Offering college tuition and other benefits is nice, but really isn't worth the possible physical and mental attacks. You may be safer studying in a Turkish prison smoking hash-hish.
Leadership is a definite area that needs to be evaluated. I can think of several ways to show leadership and not one of them involves harassment or pin punching. Who's putting these people in charge, Mussolini? There seems to be so much good ol' boy back slapping going on that nobody is keeping an eye on the troop leaders. More people need to come forward with information and details so the true recess bullies can be eliminated.
The military has gotten a little big for it's britches and needs to be set back on the right track. Now whether these issues are brushed under the rug is another whole topic. People need to realize that defending our country is great, but defending it with honor and dignity is heroic.