Boots, Angel Cat
Michael David Coffey

Boots thinks he is an angel
But actually he is a big fat lovable cat
At times he also believes himself to be -
a panther, black
But actually he's a cat
Lovable, at that

Boots trundles along the high window ledge
Eyes the surroundings
He thinks he is an angel
But really he is a very big cat
Lovable at that
And gravity takes over

Boots descends rapidly
Surprised but indifferent
His imaginary wings collapsing
And he smashes into the brass lampstand
Landing right in the middle of five, yes five
Rose petal, lilac-colored glass shades

Boots flies at last, in a diving grace
And so does the elegant lampshade
And glass rose petals scatter everywhere
in inelegant disarray
Broken glass and fallen brass
But Boots is oblivious
having flown like an angel-
once more

(Photograph and Poem Copyright by Michael David Coffey 1998
No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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