Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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You don't wear my ring anymore.
I guess I never expected you to.
I'm slowly getting used to
not having you in my arms.

Our eyes don't meet from across the room.
I guess I never really expected them to.
I'm slowly getting used to
not knowing what I mean to you.

Our embraces are no longer filled with love and need.
I guess I never expected them to be.
I'm slowly getting used to
not having the world you made for me.

We don't leave with a kiss or promise of desire.
I guess I never expected us to.
I'm slowly getting used to
not being allowed to need you.

**Copyright 1998 by Dyrkhawk. (dyrkhawk@bright.net).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

For Shalene

On wat'ry music's rippling shore
Where melodies lap at ageless sands
Where notes and rhythms meld and soar
Sweeping o'er the darkened lands
A proud and lonely figure sits
Bedecked with tears of grief and glee
And in the cloak the music knits
Hides from a cold reality
Until the warm and gentle tide
Brings forth a one whose guiding light
Can thaw that chill, and side by side
Bring both out through the friendless night
For the worth of one dear friend
Outweighs all else 'til worlds should end.

**Copyright 1998 by Marcus Lee (thenarr@hotmail.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

The Gray Rider

A single tear rolls down and runs dry.
Agony Despair Pain Loss
Those are things I have seen and felt.
Emptiness has come.
The Grey Rider is in me again.
The hollow shadow of my existence.
I am become him.
Chasing away beauty and tenderness.
Emotions are ripped apart,
Tears are no more than red eyes
Once anew am I a person with no feelings of magnificence.
Reft of my hopes to be left to my fears
My alter ego is in charge.
Honed to perfection on the outside,
Rotten to the core, unclean,
A perversion of life.
Dreams become nightmares,
Anguish becomes pleasure.
Doomed forever to be lost
Soulless and delusive.
I try to scream but my voice is gone.
Incarcerated in my own body,
I try to strike the walls to free myself but no hands.
In bondage I am, my prison the Grey Rider.
Leper, rotting flesh, forbidden to die.

**Copyright 1998 by Olaf Kant (BeastVince@aol.com).  Home Page
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


I only have apples for you winesap apples hanging red and green from twisted trees and lying on the ground brown and rotten soft and mushy, not very good, but they will do for a break from the field, for a break from the work and the hot hot sun My brown eyes her green eyes her red dress my brown eyes her red shoes the spring trees the blue sky my brown eyes her green eyes her green green eyes I am. I have heen read by ones and twos. I have been seen by tens or even hundreds. You can see me on the street. I am. You can hear my voice In the silence, or in the crowd at ballgame. I am everyone I am no one I am the man on the street. Tell everyone I was here. Right here. Now. On this spot of soil in this something, this recognition of something, tell everyone. I have eaten the last grape. I hold the vine in my hands and I throw it into the yard. I wonder of the purpose of the vine (as you would, as anyone would) to feed me to reproduce to seek the light. When I have eaten my last grapes I will, perhaps, understand. Perhaps. But the vine doesn't care anymore It just lies there in the green green grass The trees are whispering to me. They tell me the rain will come, that spring will bring new leaves, that birds will nest in my branches. They tell me not to concern myself with the fire nor the blight. They tell me to stand strongly and to lift my arms to the light. My tongue touches the roof of my mouth. My lips are stuck together and pop apart. I can feel the air rushing through my chest. I hold this page in my hand and I read these words. Now sunrise brings a cup of coffee to welcome the day Our lives are measured with these days which are poured into cups and mixed with sorrow and joy, We say things like "I'll always remember." "I'll always love you" and we are blown like dry leaves in a whirlwind, rising for a moment, then settling, to make room for other leaves to be blown to rise, to settle. The trees live and die. Each blade of grass leans to the summer light and breaks in the winter wind. The birds live and die. The seasons turn like a merry go round and we ride the pretty horses and we hear the pretty music and we play in the warm sun as the merry go round goes around and around and around There is a chill in the day. Already the birds gather. Already the insects are frantic. Already the leaves turn to browns and yellows. Savour the day. Sip it like a glass of fine wine. Breathe deeply and glory in the song of the cricket. Cup the day in your palm like spring water and drink. My little wife thinks I'm odd and lazy as she flutters, constantly working. She is a little worker bee, she flutters gracefully, picking this up, straightening that. She is gathering nectar and I am in the hive, sipping.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Copyright 1998 by David Michael Jackson (dave@artvilla.com). Home Page Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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