Seeker Magazine

Random Thoughts

by: Watercolour Stain

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Throughout life parents, teachers, and even friends inform us about how we take things for granted and never appreciate what we have. Well, I'm not a parent; I'm not a teacher, and well...I'm not really your friend either. I'm still an immature teenager who takes things for granted, so I am told. Maybe I'm grateful for some things, but being a kid, I won't ever admit that I might have listened one of those times my mother told me I didn't appreciate a swept floor.

Chemistry (ahh... high school memories) says that everything is made up of particles (are they atoms?) that continually move around and never stop. Now there's something to think about. Everything that we see, sit on, write with, and write on, have these little things, that we can't see, moving around.

Imagine one day that the particles in your pen decide to stop moving together and take off to Las Vegas as you are writing down a phone message. Then there's that bit of trivia about glass not even being a solid matter, but rather a slow moving liquid. Strange to think what would happen if those particles decide to move fast one day. Driving down an interstate, when all of a sudden you are no longer protected by a shield but instead witness wet mosquitoes and flies landing on the seats of your car. Sucks to be you.

Humans. Funny creatures, aren't we? Walking through life like zombies. Not really thinking about how things are or why, but just expecting the material relationships on earth to never change. It's incredible how dependent we've become on the reliability of everything around us. Particles will always be the winning rugby team, moving together all the time, and glass will always be the slow, fat kid in gym class that gets picked last for kickball every time.

In a larger picture, I suppose we are particles of a greater matter. Always moving around, together forming a universe and never considering the purpose of our motions. Nodding to a fellow passing particle as we walk down a street, not thinking about their motions either. We just keep walking, walking to fulfill our own motion we have yet to consider. And all the while the sidewalk continues to move the same as it always has, your shoelaces stay together, and the glasses on your face continues to give you the vision ahead of you. Lucky us.

(Copyright by Watercolour Stain - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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