Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined its nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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to my first breath of life

by Leilani Taniguchi

you claim you set me free
to soar, to fly and crash and burn
to fall in love
learn life's cruel lessons
but my heart feels your tug
your desperate, loving attempt to navigate me
if you keep clutching, you'll run me away
you'll alter my path
but if you let go completely
you'll leave me in tears of abandonment
it's an impossible role you have
an endless quest for perfection
in knowing just how much to give
and when to interfere
but trust that you've raised me well
don't be so worried that I'm senseless and without convictions
I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
I'm fine
always you'll be my beginning
my birth, my creator, my mother
I've grown into a branch
thriving from your roots
I'll always remember where I came from
and I'll always find my way back home
I'm living my life now
however recklessly
whatever way I impulsively choose
I'm in God's path
He'll carry me when I fall
He'll smile down on me in sunshine
through rainbows
let go of your concern
trust that I can trust myself
and find my true path
it's come that time
to simply let me be
and smile proudly at my every blossom.

Copyright 1999 by Leilani Taniguchi. (Hvnleeflwr@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Love, Leads Me

by Chelse Elliot

As a young woman
I aspired to love
I desired serenity
I exalted in enchantment
Childish and conceited
In animated pursuit of
Average aspirations
Achingly slow
The insidious starvation
Of my spirit spiraled
I recoiled
To dull uncomfort
That became an affliction
Vegetative bitterness
My soul
Caved in
Catastrophic consequence
As a mature woman
I wear the mantle of
Penetrative placidity
Cased in skin and scars
My soul spirals in the
Hollow stillness of my bones
Yet, Effervescent
Leads me
To my indelible destiny

Copyright 1999 by Chelse Elliot (Realchelse@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

The White Bridge

by Kristi Shelloner

because i have been a

	dumpster hunter
	dumpster diver
	garbage hound

because treasure is in the eye of
the beholder.

because Cigarette Advertising stands,
bright blue and red
American colored metal stands
made to hold signs,
were really campchairs in disguise
made to hold people,

or, better yet,

a staging device for
Nuclear Sam,
our scare crow, our spare crow,
made of cast off 
and reclaimed
and the skull of a coyote;
because where life is spare, even the coyotes and crows survive.

But surviving is not enough. People deserve to thrive.

So I wore my high heel patent leather pumps,
my little red sweater skirt set,
as I dived and dug among the remnants,
the rubbish,
the cast off,
as I had become
in the eyes of those people who throw treasures away.

Performance art
feeds the shaken soul
and reminds us we are beautiful 
and bountiful,
when people say we're trash.
As beautiful
as the wilted pansies
Daniel rescued 
from the green and grungy dumpster
of a major 
Corporate Grocery Store;
(rescued before the lids clanged shut,
pads locked,
so poor people should not feed
even on precious crumbs,)
As beautiful as 
stolen garbage pansies
coming back to life
in the middle of a burned out forest;
our refuge;
our home;
our rock and pansy garden
built for my birthday,
behind the white bridge.

Copyright 1999 by Kristi Shelloner (orleans@pcweb.net)
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

too late and I already did it

by David Michael Jackson

too late for the roses
too late
for the show
oh yes too many words for the
and no pointy hat
no multicolored vest for the
clown with his smile painted on
no free will
except for the
and you there
you with your dreams of
multicolored flowers leading
up to
leading into
nothing other than
you there can take the measure of your dreams
in beauty itself
and hold your head

Copyright 1999 by David Michael Jackson. (dave@artvilla.com).
More of Dave's work can be found at ArtVilla
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

The Lost Village

by Michael David Coffey

In the snow laden
    lands of lost thoughts
A village standing alone
     on the banks of a wide river
Snow thick on the ice
A landscape of pristine white
Smoke curling upwards
     from wood stoves
In an embrace of life
    as it used to be
When people were of
       the village
And life was simple pleasures

Crumbling houses
     and a memorial
Broken to the glorious fallen
    now forgotten
  Empty stores
The bookstore, the baker,
       the potter, the hairdresser
All gone to the city
        or oblivion

As the melting snow
      falls from an iron roof
And the old people
    recount the tales
Of olden days
     and old religion
Revolutions and starvation
And times swimming
    in the river
A summer's day
 And the last village
Slowly decaying
     into memories

Copyright 1999 by Michael David Coffey (Poetrymdc@aol.com)
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author.

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor: (skyearth1@aol.com).