Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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Intermission BALLOT BOX
(Not Now, I Have a Headache)

God never says, "Not now, I have a headache." When something is
a "spiritual headache," there's a very strong chance "the Universe"
(i.e., LIFE)
is trying extra hard to tell you something, and
TRYING to seize your attention..

God it?

A lesson is often presented to you in various forms until you learn it,
"get it," absorb it, digest and/or understand it, and sometimes the stakes
get increasingly higher until you're "hit on the head with it."

We pretend as if we were never presented
with this information before,
but for most of us, the reason we have a "spiritual concussion"
is because we would rather ignore
subtle, aesthetic signs until, finally, we are
"walloped and whipped"
with the overwhelming evidence.


Why did you hit me?

(God was merely trying – probably repeatedly – to get your attention.)

(Copyright 2000 by ShaunDarius Gottlieb - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Letter to the Author at

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