Seeker Magazine
Family Issues
oles in Transition
by Susan Kramer

We are who we are
At the same time
we are seen differently
by different people

As an adult
our parents still see us as their children
while our children
see us as parents

We relate with people in the format
of various roles
and they are in a role when relating with us

We dance in and out of relationships
but on the inside
we remain our essential Self

Through playing roles
we come to understand each other
by feeling how similar
we are underneath

Our role-playing lets us see
many perspectives
While underlying all is a thread of commonality
interlocking us as the stitches in a sweater
One long thread; many loops
The fabric of humanity

Throughout our changing roles
we are the unchanging ones
able to radiate love
in any situation
And able to feel others' love for us
from our underlying constant of lovingness

We ask
Who are we?

At any moment
in whatever role
we each can say
I am the one
who always has love to share

Roles change
Love is constant

Love and Harmony¾Our Constant

Beauty is harmony
Harmony is beautiful

Surrounding ourselves with beauty
inner and outer
Surrounding ourselves with harmony
eventually permeates
our daily living

We see physical beauty
as all parts gracefully aligned
Eliciting feelings of
peacefulness, ease

We are aware of inner beauty
when a person manifests lovingness
Their actions blending into the creation

One of the parts
part of the One

People of inner beauty bring out the best in us
because we feel easy in their company

We recognize beauty
because we start feeling good

The beauty of nature
and people living in tune with natural harmony
allows us to sink into our own space
of thinking and acting beautifully
It's catching

More beauty comes into our life
by creating an uplifting
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual environment
Surroundings clean, orderly
Balanced diet
Bathing and exercise
Deep relaxation, rhythmic breathing

Through meditation and self-analysis discovering
the soul's existence
That self-sustained part of us that is watching
the whole process of living
from its joyful state

Living in harmony
we become aware of ourselves
no matter what our roles
as beautiful vibrant beings

ã 2001 Susan Kramer

Blessings for World Peace in 2002