Seeker Magazine

The Ever-Present Now - The Best Time for Healing

by Robert C. Felix

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With each beat of our heart and every breath that we take, we get a new opportunity to make a choice as to where we want to direct the energy of our lives. Every new moment offers a possibility to open a crack in the door that brings forth the power of the universe.

The ever-present "now" is always offering new opportunities to improve our lives. As we verbalize and visualize during our prayer meditation sessions, the now is always turning the present into the past. Scientists have recently determined that the human brain takes an average of three seconds to process and transfer information from reality to memory, to change the present to the past. Each new moment gives us another chance to reevaluate in the light of the present, giving us an opportunity to make new choices and decisions as to what we want to do with our lives.

The present is always "now." If we take care of the ever- present now, the future will take care of itself. Now is always a good time to put the mistakes, regrets, and problems of the past behind us.

Now is the time to accept reality and uncertainty.

Now is the time to get on with our lives.

Now is the time to put an end to the powers of hate and to replace it with the power of love.

Now is the time to analyze the consequences of our behavior and decide what is best for us and others.

Now is the time to give birth to new and better ideas for our future and for all.

Now is the time to heal and grow up.

Now is always a good time for the solutions of Pure Love.

The primary focus of our prayer meditation sessions needs to be on ourselves. Two fundamental principles are: 1) What we do with our lives is entirely up to us. 2) What other people do with their lives is entirely up to them.

We are the only ones that can change ourselves. We cannot control how other people choose to live their lives. Sometimes when we make changes in our behavior, we can stimulate change in others. If there are people in your life that you really wish would change, you can make the purpose of a prayer meditation session to send your love to them.

Surround a mental image of the person with love during your prayer meditation. But the choice to accept the power you send them is theirs alone. We can only wish the best for them by growing our love for ourselves and expanding our love for others. We have to accept the fact that not everyone is committed to his or her personal development. We can always take comfort that most of us are evolving towards becoming empowered by love and eventually those lacking in this growth will become less of a problem.

It has long been thought by many classical spiritualists and New Age writers that there is indeed a connection between our thoughts and the health of the body. Anytime you are practicing your prayer meditations, you can create a mental image of a problem area and then meditate on the colors' cleaning and healing abilities. Regardless of where a problem arises, surround it with the cleaning powers of Orange and the healing powers of Yellow during your prayer meditation sessions and, while being sensitive for the solutions to the reasons that may have caused the problems in the first place, send a message of love to them.

Severe problems that may result from inappropriate human powers and particularly poor attention to the ever-present now will frequently manifest themselves with disorders of the stomach, diaphragm, endocrine systems, and the mid to lower spine. Surround yourself with the cleaning powers of Orange and the healing powers of Yellow during your prayer meditation sessions, and send a message of love to your inner body.

Healing requires taking action. It may mean leaving behind outmoded behaviors and beliefs. It may means using vision and wisdom to develop a new way of dealing with life. Healing becomes easier when we bring the power of Pure Love into our lives. The power of the prayer meditation partnership can be especially helpful for healing, particularly if we still have a meaningful purpose in life coupled with a strong will to live life to its fullest possibilities.

Taken from "The Partners Within -- Using Prayer And Meditation For Personal Growth" by Robert C. Felix. Please visit where you'll find ebooks and an audio presentation.

(Copyright 2002 by Robert C. Felix - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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