Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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December 2003

What Light is This?

What light is this? Does darkness
break into your heart
where love does deeds unbeknownst

What light is this which illuminates
crevasses in your spirit: emptiness
and longing for wholeness

Where does darkness lodge? Know
that without darkness, light would
not be light

Blessed clarity of vision perches on the edge
of your awareness teasing
you to look directly at it and when
you do, it fades just
as the Pleiades fade when your vision
moves from peripheral to direct

This is the turning season

We turn into our hearts —if we dare

Look behind you at the shadow cast
by your own tall self and hug
the shadow

Know that it is as much a part
of you as your eyes, your ears, your
nose, your mouth, your hands

Love the shadow into your being until
it, too, becomes illuminated by the light
of the world, the sun of awakening

The turning of all that is within you into fresh
furrows for new seed

Awake! Awake!

There is room for all in the
embrace of all that is

May you find a measure of peace during this season.


Sun, cloud, and snowfield
Copyright 2003 by Cherie Staples.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at