Seeker Magazine

Jay in Golden Chain Tree, The Netherlands; photo credit Susan Kramer

Hope for Holiness in the New Year

Susan Kramer

It is my hope and prayer that in holiness we manifest all that is good and useful for our world as a whole; our beloved Creator-Sustainer providing the model for molding our lives into harmonious alignment.

In this natural world we encounter a parallel world of opposites. By our free will we carry attitudes and thoughts, and create things and situations that we think will give us happiness now and later.

We choose.

Choices made for positive and good create peace of mind and harmony now, right in this moment, and set the ball rolling along a positive track in the future.

Attitudes, thoughts, actions reap like results.

When we are in harmony with people and the environment we feel complete and whole. We feel fulfilled -- at ease in our body and peaceful. This is our natural wholeness and holiness. What is of Spirit is for everyday living. What else matters? If we had an esoteric thought that could not be applied to making everyday an experience of joy, why partake of it? The esoteric qualities are present for our use in bonding back to completeness-holiness-wholeness.

The esoteric qualities that I find useful in daily living are unconditional love, goodness, kindness, charity, purity. These qualities uplift my consciousness when I am feeling out of sorts; when I am feeling down or negative. And they are simply attitude adjustments.

To encourage myself in keeping holy, whole, I take good care of my body. I get enough sleep, eat what agrees with me, exercise, and pray daily; keeping to a routine that allows time for this self-nurturing. And with each person during the day I give my attention and wholeness; whether friend, acquaintance, or someone new. In viewing and interacting from my best self I feel like I am caring just as I would wish to be cared about. I feel peace and contentment in giving of my most holy and whole self.

Loving and caring for another wholeheartedly uses my energy optimally. And it does not use up my energy. Rather, more energy recharges my body during my acts of caring. Could this be how beloved Blessed Theresa of Calcutta was able to care for so many? I think by giving of her wholeness and holiness, she allowed for a continuing flow of energized love to course through her tiny frame creating a tremendously productive life.

Hope for Holiness
Abundant energy arising
Recharging our body
From attitudes of love, kindness, caring

Daily living all that it can be
All that it is meant to be as kindred souls in God
Exemplifying our loving nature
By loving unconditionally

'Flow on in my life River of Love
Flow on in my life
Carrying me along your swift current
Washing away debris, energizing me
Clearing my thoughts
That I may clearly see
My Loving Nature'

Hope for Holiness in the New Year ã 2003 Susan Kramer
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photo credit Susan Kramer; jay in Golden Chain Tree, The Netherlands

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