The World of Stories

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Join us at the campfire for tales from around the world, told by storytellers of all backgrounds and creeds. From the heros and heroines of old, let us relearn and rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors. Shhh..the story begins..

A Wave of Enlightenment

by: G. Kroll (

One bright, hot summer day a grandmother and her grandson were going to the beach. On the way to the beach, the grandmother warned the boy not to go too far into the water because she was old and frail and would not be able to save him from the undertow.

The boy didn't believe his grandmother, but told her, "Don't worry grandmother, I won't go in too deep."

When they got to the beach the grandmother said, "Remember, don't go too far into the water because I'm old and frail and will not be able to save you from the undertow."

The boy still didn't believe his grandmother. He didn't feel that he was in any danger, but he said, "Don't worry grandmother, I won't go too deep into the water." And with that he trotted off into the ocean.

The grandmother watched her grandson for about ten minutes and then sat on a blanket and started to knit. About fifteen minutes had passed when she looked up from her knitting to check on him. He wasn't anywhere in sight.

She jumped up and went down to the edge of the water. She called out his name several times, but there was no answer. She got down on her knees and prayed to the heavens. "Oh please, please, give me back my grandson, he's so young and he means the world to me."

All of a sudden, a gigantic wave came crashing in. When the water withdrew back into the ocean the boy was on the shore. The grandmother was so happy. She grabbed hold of him and hugged him. She suddenly pulled away and started to look around. She looked up to the heavens again and asked, "What happened to the hat he was wearing?"

Another immense wave came in and when this one left the boy was standing there with his hat by his feet. The grandmother was no longer in sight. A voice from above was heard.

"Never be greedy! Settle for what I give you and be happy with it!"

Gail Kroll is an inspiring Children's author. She and her fiancee, Mike Schwartz, have recently moved to the North East end of Long Island because of a teaching job that Mike obtained. This is Gail's first publishing credit. The first of MANY she says. She's and her family are very excited about this. She can know answer YES, when someone asks if she's ever been published! When she's not working on her stories, she's either working on the Oysterponds District Newsletter or taking care of Mike. Gail also enjoys Horseback Riding, Skiing, Gymnastics, and curling up with a good book.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <>