Seeker Magazine

Letter From The Editor

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December 01, 1996

Thanksgiving has just gone by here in the states, with thousands of families still eating turkey leftovers and reveling in the remnants of tasty home baked pies and goodies. Yes...Thanksgiving is most definitely a time of gathering and feasting, but more importantly, it is a time to sit back and remember all those things for which we are most grateful.

My list almost always consists of the people in my life, as I suspects most folk's lists do...'cause when you get right down to the core of happiness, isn't it the people rather than the things that bring you the most joy? I'm not saying it's wrong to be grateful for your financial success, your security, your prized possession or your new acquisition...but without folks to share and care with, I think those things merit a hollow gratitude at best. For this reason, I would personally like to thank my staff.

Mike, Brandon and David:
You have lightened every day since I've known you with your love, caring and unqualified support...not to mention your hard work and steadfast belief in our purpose. Without you, the seed would never have been planted.

That said, I'd now like to thank all of you, on behalf of all of us.

Our Readers:
Thank you for hearing our voices in the ether wilderness, and for adding your own in letters and on the board. You give us the incentive to go on by letting us know we are not alone. Seeker would have no reason to exist without you.

Our Contributors:
Thank you for sharing your incredible range of insights and talent with us. Because of you we are fulfilling our mission. You not only enrich our content, you enrich our lives and shore up our faith in a future built on trust, tolerance and high aspirations.

All of you above are Seeker. Any claim we might lay to our continued success is due also to you. We may have planted the seed, but the seedling would have died unnourished without you. We are all immensely grateful to have you in our lives.

Denise Ruiz
Editor - Seeker Magazine

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