Seeker Magazine

The Greatest Treasure...

by: IngaMB

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Darkness mediating light. The breath of dawn touching lightly, pulling at the slumber of the land. The birds, already busy with light chatter. A morning like any other, yet...

Early this particular morning a great whispering could be heard traveling through the countryside and slowly building to a feverish pitch -- a low buzz brimming with anticipation. For an announcement had been posted near and far and all throughout the land proclaiming a great contest. He who bestowed the greatest of gifts to their great King would receive such treasure as could not possibly be imagined. A great disturbance followed, crowds of people rushing this way and that, scrambling to find the most unique gift. Polite behavior spilling over boundaries, a veritable flood bursting forth toppling any in its path. People put their families into hock, became rude to their neighbors. A chaos ensued that was well nigh unbearable.

And into this chaos wandered a stranger, light of heart... a traveler of the world dressed in a plain elegance of muted forest green and deep amber velvet and suede. An ancient sack of leather -- darkened now to a bronze sheen through many a travel -- hung low against her hip securely attached to a wide belt made invisible by the weaving design of a detailed bodice. To anyone's casual glance, she would appear to have nothing... for, indeed, she carried no additional sacks and was adorned by no sparkling bangles save for two piercing grey-blue eyes glistening with sad wisdom and hope.

In wonder did she watch the tumult... a vision of calm. No one paid heed to her, so busy were they scrambling, pushing. Fierce arguments erupted only paces away on the street... hateful glances towards those coveting anything with a golden sheen 'til slowly, by degrees, the town was laid bare. Only a chill calm remained, whistling eerily throughout the now deserted dwellings.

Weary from her journey, Hero -- for that is how she was called -- searched for a tavern and a bed. Floor boards creaked, a startling sound as she stepped onto the vacant porch of a nearby inn. Inside, overturned chairs and tables, broken glass, tumbled objects left behind in their seeming unworthiness. She climbed the stairs, choosing the first door on her left. Luckily all she needed was a bed. And there, she was rewarded. Closing the door behind her, she subtly wrapped a slender twine 'round it's knob from which dangled the tiniest of bells. Then, turning towards the bed, she tumbled between the sheets, falling immediately into the deepest slumber.

Shifting pools of light gave way to lengthening shadows...the darkest of fingers stretching out over the land introducing night...caressing fingers over her tired brow as she slept. The piercing yelp of a nearby dog followed by frenetic padding over floorboards giving way to a momentary chase, the frantic scream of a tomcat. And still she slept, merely shifting to her side, her lips curling into the subtlest of smiles. And as night dissolved into the dancing light of day, the softest shimmer of tones as the silver bell, her tiniest of sentries, was disturbed. Eyes snapping open, she rolled onto the floor in a flash behind the bed, a down pillow cushioning her fall, for her journeys through distant lands had taught her much and she took no chances. Moments passed, heartbeats through the thickening stillness... then... the softest twinkling -- the creaking of a door... harsh footfalls against hard wood. Muffled voices issuing terse whispers now close... then receding once again into the outer hall.

She waited good and long before emerging from her hiding place... till those same harsh voices echoed weakly from the streets below. Rising gracefully, Hero stepped to the window, peering through soiled curtains into the light. Swirls of dust in tiny bursts as a small band of thieves rifled through the empty town, scrounging anything of value... men to be avoided. Turning, Hero lazily stretched the remnants of sleep from her body. Finding the plain ceramic basin filled with water, she dampened the corner of a soft cotton kerchief, dabbing at the subtle streaks of dust on cheeks and brow. Striding quietly across the room, she daintily removed her tiny sentry in a shimmering of harmonic silver, again placing it carefully within the deep folds of her trusty sack.

Descending once again onto the main floor, she moved behind the counter and there placed several coins... payment for her night's slumber. Then, slipping quietly through the kitchen, she scrounged a stale bit of bread and several meager scraps of cheese. Filling her leathern canteen with water, she emerged once again into the sunlight, exiting from the rear of the saloon and disappearing quickly into the safety of the nearby trees. Her leathern boots tread lightly on the soft, mossy greens as she dodged between towering trees and thickly-growing ferns feathering the forest floor. Then pulling back a thick nest of vines, she emerged into a hidden glen. There she settled for her modest breakfast, listening to the sweet music of birds amongst whispering trees. The gossamer strands of a silken web billowed lightly in the soft breeze, glistening beads of dew still adorning the delicate strands, shimmering subtly in the dappling light. Sighing deeply, Hero turned her face full into the life-giving sun, lazily basking in its warmth.

Yet piercing shrill, ever-growing in volume, that dissonant hum tingeing bitter-sweet the beatific calm... annoying, intrusive. Hero cocked her head, divining from whence it came... its source coming from far over the neighboring mountain. It would take the better part of an hour to reach its summit. But that she would have to do for this noise would not abate, a buzzing horsefly biting at her sensitive ears.

And so she set off, passing the time by humming softly to herself... her sing-song notes following the thrumming beat of quickening footfalls until, in no time at all, she had reached the mountain's towering pinnacle. This adorning cap, a golden meadow, afforded breathtaking views... a splendid panoramas of rich farmland dotted with burgeoning forests. Modest earthen roads intertwined with babbling streams reflecting the deepest blue of a crystalline sky. Cutting throughout, a thick, winding road now shifted in the deafening roar... a slowly-moving sea of people in a great line disappearing over the horizon. Great clouds of dust disturbed by the footfalls of so many covered the air in a thick mist... a golden shimmer blanketing the countryside.

Hero descended the steep slope. And as she grew near, the nebulous sea became clear, faces distinct. An elbowing crowd, each eye glancing suspicious, wondering what greatness the other held. No one offered the least bit of praise... a writhing snake of distrust and despair. And here, from beneath, the shimmering cloud's true nature... no more than a menacing yellow pall... choking lungs, bringing tears to red eyes. And these tears were heavy with jealous, rumbling hatred at such vast competition... a fetid stench ever-thickening around them.

The tiny silver bell having gradually freed itself from the deep recesses of her sack, rang sweetly at each of her steps... harmonious notes battling the writhing beast. Thus announced, all eyes turned, pinning Hero with a questioning gaze -- a gaze that quickly shifted to distrust, for Hero had nothing in her hands, no apparent gift, save for a dagger neatly sheathed, appearing briefly from behind the folds of her garment... yet this too was plain. Rasping whispers filled the air full of suspicion and warning to stay away. And that she did, stepping to the side and gathering a scant amount of wood for a small fire, for it was growing dark and, she suspected, she wouldn't be invited to any of their throng.

As ebony blanketed the countryside, the growl abated into rhythmic snoring. Firelight dotted the landscape... a shimmering line pointing to... what? Hero warmed her body next to brilliant flames licking into the darkness... pointing at the myriad stars flecking the night sky. And the twinkling stars brought to her a constancy sorely lacking. She slept little that night and in the nights that followed... But the stars' vast light became a thankful gift, constantly renewing her hope, infusing her with strength... strength that she would need, for the days ahead brought moments of great sadness.

Days passed, splashes of purple muting orange red embracing a patchwork of dusty gold and velvety grey. Hero hovered to the side, forever watching the weary group as finally, no one else joined the line. Yet now, flanking it to either side, were stragglers shuffling home, having given all to no avail... threadbare and downtrodden glances belying their fate. Fights erupted with more frequency, buffeting those who desperately clung to fleeting hope. People plundered the gifts of their neighbors... neighbors who only a few days earlier had been the dearest of friends.

A child, separated from his mother, now stood alone screaming in fear... hot tears streaking dusty cheeks flushed red with bawling. A small scrap of dried beef was all she had left, so it would have to do. Gliding swiftly towards the boy, Hero extended the tiny treasure, offering as well the sweetest most reassuring smile she could muster. Stopping in mid-cry, the child's eyes grew wide now fixated on the tasty morsel. Haltingly, he reached for her hand. Then swiftly coveting the treasure, he popped it in his mouth, glancing shyly at the lady. Hero smiled... a glorious sight. And the child too began to smile but for his mother interrupting, grabbing roughly at his arm and pulling him away. Hero watched them go, the child stealing a glance back... offered the briefest of good-byes.

Hero clutched at waning strength, shaken by so much pain. People too tired or starved to move now dotted the landscape in wilting clusters... And yet despite these foreboding sights, the line continued. And Hero followed, ever-watchful, driven by her need to help... and by a growing curiosity. She wanted to meet the creator of such a debacle... for that is what it had become, the excitement of anticipation twisting bittersweet into a thickening pall blanketing the land, plundering it clean of its very heart... it's soul.

The towering fortress of starkly-angled alabaster jutted harshly in the distance... glacial walls reflected piercing rays of sunlight blinding those in slow approach. Squinting against the light, Hero quickened her pace, blending into the very tail of the beast, following the last person stepping into the pitch-black shadows within. Stumbling forward, her eyes slowly adjusted to the dimly-lit passage. The walls were void of any warmth. The light harsh and uncovered, laying bare those stepping beneath. A foul stench permeated the airless passage... remnants from the thousands of people who had come before, traveling for days, for weeks... smell of sweat laced with fear and disappointment and distrust. Guards dotted the hallway, ever-staring sentries, trance-like, not human.

With each step Hero's heart grew colder, her fingertips numbing to a deeper purple sheen. No more! This place was void of any life, a putrefying leech sucking its people dry. She could bear it no longer. She leaned heavily against the cold, glimmering wall turning only to rush into a handful of guards blocking her escape. Before her, more darkness leading towards a pin-prick of light growing ever-larger, becoming a giant circle spilling into a cavernous room.

Stopping at its edge, Hero watched as the spindly woman just ahead stepped into the wide-open space, cowering under the searing white light. Pasty-faced courtiers lined the walls casting judgment. And on a small dais, a richly-adorned King... face wrought with cruel and bitter lines, beckoned to the half-starved woman. His voice cut through thick silence, twisting into a sickening saccharine sheen "What have you to offer, oh homely one?"

The woman reached deep within thin folds of a threadbare cloak, hands trembling as she extended the shimmering plate of beaten silver. Lowering her eyes, she humbly fell to her knees. A quick flick of his hand and several courtiers hastened forward, grabbing the plate from the poor woman's hands while pulling her up to once again face the king...

His smile was a vision of contempt. "tis a fine tin plate, I must admit. But, as you can see, it rivals not the others of before." Crushed, the woman watched as courtiers parted, revealing an enormous sparkling pile as, with a clang, her plate was thrown amongst the rest... "tis a good thing you brought me a gift, be it only a meager one, as payment for taking up my time. You may go." Thus said, the king glanced at his fingernails acutely bored, paying no further heed to the woman now broken before him... Hero's heart went out to the woman as she watched her dragged from the room... this once kindly face crumbling into the darkness of despair having now lost everything.

A prod from behind, signaled Hero to move forward, for she was the only one remaining. Head held high, she moved towards the center, solid steps echoing in the now hushed space. Annoying whispers buzzed from all around at this confusing vision. She was unlike any who had come before, her dress not that of a peasant, nor of a noblewoman, nor of a knight... indeed she defied explanation. And her gaze faltered not from that of the King's... Unheard of! The King rose quickly to his feet, face red with displeasure. Guards rushed forward, shoving Hero to the ground in forced humility. The King thus appeased, again took his seat. "What gift have you to offer, and quickly, for I grow tired of this process!"

Hero gazed at the shifting reflections in the glossy sheen of the cold, hard floor as all around leaned forward with anticipation at her answer. Then a clear, sing-song voice resonated through the hall, emerging from deep within Hero's delicate frame. "I've no gift for one who brings sorrow and pain to so many."

Shocked whispers all around, "Blasphemy! Do you hear? Blasphemy!!!"

"Not so my Lord... merely the truth. Or have you grown so proud as to not recognize its visage?"

The King blustered loudly, choking on his rage. "You've come baring insults, that much I can see. They won't go unmatched, I assure you. Yet, continue, for I'm curious to hear you out... doomed as you already are."

Hero glanced at the amazed crowd before returning her gaze to the King. "I wonder what fashion of gift would have won the fruits of such a proclamation? You sneer at the myriad objects offered... to you mere trivialities. But to those who trudged here for many a day, far more. Your people have given their all in the slimmest of hopes for a better life. And this is how you repay them. For in your stalwart fortress you have missed the ruin your disdain has bestowed on all your people."

The King's pinched laughter echoed bitterly through the chambers. "If you offer nothing, then your payment is your life. To spare it, you must offer a gift. But a gift laced with impertinence will be hard-pressed to buy your freedom now. Ponder this and decide."

Hero paused, smoothing the folds of her bounteous skirt... her attention now riveted to a thread, merely several inches in length, coming loose from her bodice. With a quick flick of her wrist, she pulled the thread loose. Rolling it lightly between two fingers, she again gazed at the King. "I offer you a thread of hope to be accepted or not... as you will. But all hinges on a change of heart on your part."

Hero embraced the curious gazes of those around her before continuing. "You see, I have many gifts all priceless... the sincerity of a smile... the purity of a tear shed in emotion... the firm grasp of a handshake... the warmth of a hug... the chastity of a kiss freely given... the constancy of true friendship... The fruits of human kindness... Yet these gifts have merit only when in true sincerity returned and felt as keenly by the recipient. Otherwise, they are worthless. If you cannot see their value, then so be it. 'tis all I have and 'tis worth more than any monetary object ever conceived. Have you received any of these gems my Lord?"

A nervous smile, tapping fingers on a gilded armrest as the crowd's rippled gaze moved questioningly towards the King... for it was well-known that he bought the allegiance of all those who stood by his side. The nervous smile twisted into rage as the King gazed back at the petite woman. And she, having neatly undone the King in front of so many, belied no arrogance. In fact, her gaze was tinged more with pity and sorrow, angering him even more.

The crowd drew back wondering at such a woman, and fearing the brewing storm of the King's response.

"I suppose you'll be wanting your reward then?" he spat through clenched teeth again forcing a smile.

Her noble voice met his with equal strength. "And what would that be, my Lord?" It's sing-song quality infuriated him even more than her wisdom.

"Why, 10,000 golden ducats. No more and no less." he snapped.

A huge gasp from the crowd...

Hero's reply was quick and succinct. "I accept. Though, I've no need for such trivialities. Better still to redistribute this reward to all from whom you've plundered in the last fortnight. Thus agreed, I'll take my leave."

The King clenched the arms of his chair, face again red in anger. Yet there was no way around it. Too many people now drifting in sentiment to her side. His pride crumbled at facing humility in front of so many... eyes stinging. And there... unheard of! A tear... small and puny yet no less special, dotting the corners of his lid, reigning elegant over spindly lashes.

Though despising the King's actions, this tear tugged at Hero's heart, for she knew it was very rare indeed from such a man as he. It brought forth a tear of her own... a tear not wrung from pain or hatred, but a tear of admiration sparkling radiant, more precious than any jewel. And in seeing this tear, the King felt something new inside... the suggestion of a warming glow, alien and somehow wonderful, bringing on a befuddled confusion tinged with... tinged with? The King relaxed his grip on the chair, exhausted... looking anew at this woman... this extraordinary woman who had somehow awakened in him emotions he had not felt since childhood.

In softer cadence, "What is your name, woman?"


"So be it, Hero. Guards! Do as she wills!"

Gathering his cloak about him... a thick crimson ermine of the finest make, he slipped from the hall... a solitary shadow followed distantly by his trailing entourage of hushed whispers.

As Hero turned, the crowd bowed low, expressing heartfelt admiration for such courage and generosity. Blushing, she humbly lowered her gaze and slipped quietly from the room.

Outside, the stars again twinkled brightly from vast heavens. The air was crisp and sweet... the breeze a soft caress gladly accepted. A crowd gathered outside as Hero slipped from the castle much as she had arrived, save for a small satchel filled with viands, bread, cheese and a little ale to keep her warm along her journey. Admiring glances followed her into the darkness. As she advanced, her step again became light, the tiny silver bell again offering accompaniment, muting into the shadows, dissolving into the twilight. Where she went, no one ever knew. But the treasured piece of herself she left behind became renowned... pure kindness and love drifting near and far on gentle breezes, blossoming throughout the surrounding land...

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