Seeker Magazine

Little Mouse


Mixing Metaphors in Three-Quarter Dream-Time

by: Joyce Moss

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I'm a small mouse, even by mouse-measure, but it seems the perfect size for me to be. I fit just right into this time-space.

I rest here motionless, watching. Alert, yet not focused, all that I perceive seems paradoxically ever-changing and never-changing. With neither anticipation of a given outcome, nor judgement of the changing shadow-shapes, I simply watch. This is my favorite place in all the worlds. Here, suspended in time, I watch soft shadows slide and merge, almost imperceptive, beneath the warm, vibrant sun. The grass feels cool and crisp against my back. My left leg dangles in the entrance to my home burrowed into the earth below.

This balance point between two worlds is my special observation point for "process". All around me I perceive the world of shifting forms. Beneath me, I perceive the world of moving energy patterns. While I rest here motionless, I am a WATCHER of "process"; When I step out from here, I move INTO "process". Movement into and out of this timeless non-space place is like a delicious dance with a delicately balanced rhythm.

I never know what I will see from here. Ah, what's that, over to the left--a sudden glint of rainbow glitter and then it's gone. Scan with the eyes ever so slowly. There, I see it out of the corner of my right eye now. It is time to step out and go see. A small, hard-looking rock, it glints only when turned a certain way. The energy feels interesting when I touch it. Let's take it inside. Nudge it slowly, now a little to the left, and there it goes, down the hole into my home.

Come in. Welcome to my home. It will always look a bit chaotic, because change is an ongoing process here. That little pile of odds and ends over there is resting until I get the feel of how or if I want to integrate into my energy structure.

I just lay on this little Rock for a while, moving my awareness into the feel of it's energy field. It is as if the warmth of my body merges with the rock, and after a while the rock energy feels more plastic. See, I can nibble off a little corner here, and push that edge in a little. I like the feel of its energy; it feels like it belongs here. It even tastes a little like cheese! I accept that I created that part, because I like cheese, but Rock informs me that is quite alright and does not interfere with it's plan-pattern.

An important point for me is that I let my inner feeling of "knowingness" move at it's own pace, because I want to allow my perception of shape-form to change without changing the essence of Rock's energy field. If I use my WILL to change the shape, than I distort the ESSENCE of the energy field and it doesn't feel right.

You use a different method of "seeing" down here than what you are used to using up there. It takes a little practice. If you kind-of throw your eyes out of focus, and look at a spot above that wall over there, you will begin to see a fine network of silver-gold energy lines. Yes, that's it. Notice how the lines coming from each segment in the wall all blend and weave together into a pattern? I don't add anything to this structure until the energy pattern feels right. That's why this pile of stuff is still in the middle of the floor. That stuff and me, together, decide what patterns will become integrated into network and what will be put back outside unchanged. Humm--Rock feels ripe now, like it "fits". Push a little over here, nudge a little to the left..! POP!.. Wow, can you see it? See how the whole network of energy lines changed, ever-so-slightly, and this "new" part looks like it was woven into the whole pattern?

Now, watch this. I sit very still and centered, until I can see/feel each loop of the energy-fabric clearly, than I and the energy structure become one. Now, when I go back up to the form world, the energy goes with me. Watch closely or you will not see it: As I pass through this doorway, tiny silver-gold bubbles of light effervescing around me start to rise, then energy threads sift down like snow-flakes of light, melting away as the energy pattern is launched into the outside world.

Up, Up..! POP!.

Now everything looks the same as it did before, or does it? Does it feel the same? How do you like it? I think there is a slight flavor of cheese in the air.

Come on, let's dance it!

"Dum de da da, dum de da."

"Oh, I like that step, show me how."

"Here, move close and follow me. All together, now."

"Oh, that is Grand! What fun!"

Thank you, Friend for sharing with me. My world has changed because of shared joy. Oh, do come visit again!

I rest here, just watching the world go by. This is my favorite place in all the world, a "just-right" space-place. Here, suspended in time.....

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