Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Nighttime Walk

The pale moon rises among deep velvet and blue.
Radiant light of the now crimson sun fades into the ebony sky.
The objects of Earth take a dark shade of indigo.
All brilliance of life fades into an all consuming black.

Light pinpricks of stars move across the sky.
Their white brightness twinkles, as if blown by the solemn breeze,
Creating a whispy haze o'er the darkness of the midnight world.
An electric blue streetlight mocks the celestial bodies and their radiance.

Streaks of hazy shadow move across the darkened plane;
The only light about them being the glowing emerald or topaz eyes,
They see the same things as I, but maybe in a different light.
The rush in their heart is powered by their lust for the night.

The profiles of stalks and stems start to sway
As rustling can be heard by everything that can hear.
My steps' echoes come at me from down the street
As though there were another soul out in this dark and dismal ether.

Blacks finally give in to blues, though the shade still prevails.
Whispers of the night air give into silence, as moon starts its descent.
Silhouettes recede into the objects they originated from, removing the mask of shadow,
As the pinks and oranges evolve to crimson and tangerine.

The animated shades cower from the light in holes or caverns.
Their eyes now dulled by the light are shown to be merely green and yellow.
Brightness from the proceeding ruby sun blind them.
The brilliance of the stars are dulled by the beauty of Sol's awakening.

Darkness is pushed back and removed from my eyes' view.
An army of golds, violets, and scarlets arrive to fight the silver moon back into hiding.
The rays of the sun paint the world in all its glory and fill it with life.
Rejoicing is heard in the form of whistling songs.

The essence of life comes to meaning before my eyes.
All the wonder of the universe is laid before me as the dawning sphere ascends.
Lifetimes are revealed for all to experience and learn from.
The endless rhythm of the cosmos pulses within our own world and hearts.
Do you feel it?

**This work is copyrighted by By DyrkHawke ("Fifteen years young").
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**


The pyramid in front of the buildings.
The long queue to the entrance.
The glass pyramid
Not so interesting on the outside.
Only glass panes visible
In front of the carved stone facades.
As soon as one stepped in
Glowing light.
The support for the glass, interesting detail.
The escalator down to the lounge.
Space and movement
Space and people.
Happy faces, happy light.
The silent, grim faces behind the information counter
Why so grim, in this happy light?
Folders about the Louvre
In many languages.
In English, the red folder.
Turning around from counter
Large spaces, volumes
>From thereon, passages, less bright
To the galleries.
The egyptian section, little light.
Stepping up and stepping down
>From one gallery to another
As in a secret cave
Leading to the dead end.
The Mona Lisa
Signboards leading the way to Mona Lisa.
In a large hall, with many other paintings
The Mona Lisa inside reflective glass.
With people around it taking photographs.
The broad stone benches
In the rear courtyard
To lie down
After the walk through the museum
To rest, to wait, to think.

**This work is copyrighted by Kiran Keswani
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

Hide Yourself, Truth

Hide yourself, Truth
In the eyes of a child
Before he is altered
Before he's beguiled
by 'teachers' and comrades
until he can't see
In gloomy confusion
His chance to be free

Hide yourself, Truth
In the soul of a poet
So he may release you
And not even know it
Between drafted verses
Embedded in rhyme
That someone might find you
In some future time

Hide yourself, Truth
So you cannot be torn
From a heart filled with sorrow
Too great to be borne
When all else has crumbled
And man sheds his chains
Standing naked and empty
The truth still remains

**This work is copyrighted by CantaHonda.
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

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