Seeker Magazine


Come from the Mind

Let go of attachment
to all in this changing world--
We enjoy feelings of happiness and completeness
by allowing the heart's proddings--
the beingness of our soul
and the Soul of our soul to reign


Attachments and desires are cravings from our mind--we feel attachments to what we think will make us happy, complete, and fulfilled.

Our mind is constantly centering on different desires. As we fulfill one desire we are already thinking about what we want next. It is an endless process as long as we are servants of the mind. We can never seem to get that lasting happiness through an acquisition.

Happiness is not found in things--it is already the very core of our being, our soul. On the soul level we actually are happiness. When we project ourselves outwardly through the mind, we forget that we are already made up of happiness.

To free ourselves from attachments, which can continually form, we must realize that we are already fulfilled beings, needing no outside things or stimuli to make us happy. Then we can enjoy all that life offers us, and when things pass away we can peacefully watch them go--knowing that our happiness did not leave with them.

Again, we ourselves, as individual souls, are not attached to anything. Our soul is already happy and complete. If we depend on attachments for happiness, we have identified with our mind and body, too much--to the extent that we forget about our soul's beingness.

At any time we can go home to soul-awareness--the sure way home by spending time in meditation. From meditation, peacefulness overcomes us and we enjoy being at home in our immortal soul, once again.

In the home of our soul
all contentment and fulfillment are ever present
we enjoy our blissful nature
One with our Source and Creator

Benefits of Giving Freely

We get so we can give
To give is to live
To live is to love
To love is to live in the Divine

Giving freely comes from our heart. When acting from our heart we develop a super-conscious reality of our heart feelings. The more we experience acts of the heart--giving, sharing, caring--the more concrete these qualities become as set parts of our daily living.

Love comes from the heart
Attachments come from the mind--
Our computer, the brain
programmed by the mind

Since heart feelings are lasting--transcending time, space, and circumstances--the more we can identify with our pure heart nature, the closer we come to experiencing our God nature in an unbroken permanently flowing way.

Our Creator and Sustainer
Our greatest Love--
Non-partial and available to all

Our sun is similar to God's love. The sun is always shining, radiating energy, warmth, and light. When we cover ourselves with clouds of selfishness and wrong doing, the sun of our lives becomes dulled and dimmed to our perception. Take away the acts originating from the mind that are in opposition to the heart, and the vast warmth and light radiates from the sun of the individual.

All are enveloped in love
who are in the presence
of a pure, clear, and guileless one

The purpose of giving freely is to reinforce acts from our heart. Our heart lasts beyond time--our individual mind does not.

Our heart is of God--is part of God. And what we name God is but love--love that is ever-present-- transcending time, space, place and circumstance throughout eternity.

God-Consciousness Versus Fear Consciousness

Positive attitudes and uplifting thoughts create harmony, beauty, and love in our life. Negative, destructive thoughts create experiences of loneliness, separation and fear that we will lose what we have.

The experience of universal Consciousness is essentially harmony--connectedness we feel as lovingness. Our Creator's will for us in the long run is to come to know and experience the perfection of harmony--resulting from when we act for the highest good of each circumstance in each moment.

As we attune our mind and subsequent actions with the natural intelligent harmony--as we are all destined to do--we reap lovingness in our life.

Our creations producing our choices
Harmonious thinking--
Happiness in living

In God-consciousness we perceive ourselves in all parts of creation, right down to the atoms that make up the cell structure of energy, and organic and inorganic matter.

When we feel fear, we have created a separation, a division. We feel it is us versus the object we are afraid of--which can be a person, event, or feeling.

If we realized that God
is the intelligent, loving force in all atoms
we would align with this innate harmony
and be incapable of fear
Are we not all inter-linked
within the creation?

Since there is no division of God's loving intelligent energy within creation--we are not aligning with the Truth when we mentally create separation and division--artificial barriers in our love for all. We really are one with all. Just as the entire length of chain moves when one link is tugged--we too, influence all creation by our own actions--our tugs.

When our mind creates the sense of false separation, we feel fear. We are afraid we are being left out of something, being left stranded, alone. Our ego feels separation, fears, until the dawning of the realization of our oneness with all. Then we feel and know from our heart that we need never listen to the mind-generated fears, because we never have been, and never can be separated from anything. We are intrinsically united.

As long as I see
myself and another
before You
I am not with Thee


Article © 1998 Susan Kramer
Leaf Artwork from the 'Leaves of Finlandie...' collection © 1998 Susan Kramer
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