Seeker Magazine

By Denise Ruiz

In regard to gifts to ourselves, love is the hardest to give, and the most important to receive

I wrote an editorial in January of 1996 that I think bears repeating, so I've republished it this month in this column. I suspect that very few of our newer readers have the time to dig through back issues and catch up...I know I couldn't. In light of this, and because I truly believe that the words below can't be said enough, I offer this reprint. My advance thanks for your forebearance to those of you who have seen this before.

We are each battered by our lives, used at a tender age to make those even less than ourselves feel like more. We are ridiculed for supposed imperfections, in order to make others feel more perfect. We are perceived by our own families to be lacking in this, or in that..their fear of being part of something seen as imperfect becoming our own. We are further negated by the impersonal whims of a marketing society that convinces us through media that we are somehow wanting..not thin enough, not charismatic enough, not worthy of notice by each other. It is no great wonder that so few of us have a sure sense of our own worth. The tragedy of our search for physical and intellectual perfection lies in the negation of those things that will truly benefit us as a society. We accept the shallow lies of rich and beautiful, clever and handsome, over love and honor, truth and wisdom. We, who could be so much more, are lessened, and learn to hate ourselves, filling our lives with a constant clutter of trying to be somehow more worthy of love..better than another.

In our modern, impersonal communication with our world, we have forgotten that each of us moves within a sphere of others...all longing for contact, for self worth, for a sign from someone..anyone..that we are not as lacking as we perceive ourselves to be. We have lost sight of the things that we can give to another, for we have become a people unsure of the value of our own gifts. We have learned instead to seek solace in the enhancement of our bodies, our possessions..offering those as gifts we are sure will not be scorned, and isolating each of us in the cage of our own souls, always wondering if an offering of self would ever be enough, and convinced it would never be.

Sometimes, if I lie quietly seems I can feel all the sad self doubt, the loss within everyone as they contemplate their lack of worth. We hold ourselves cheap and valueless, and it makes me incredibly sad. I wish I could make each person see themselves as they truly are. Beautiful, incredible beings, capable of changing the world, simply by sharing themselves with those around them. Each of us has the power within us to make something of value..each honest, caring thought or touch is enough to help save each other..each shared insight is of value to the store of each other's knowledge, each understanding shown, or helping hand shared, is a gift beyond price. Every stance taken by every individual in the name of justice and truth, no matter how small, is a contribution to the hope of the future. If the day comes when we can no longer give each other these things, when we can no longer find them, or deem them of worth when they are found, we are truly lost. We are losing our ability to find what is worthy within ourselves, to recognize its value, and to give it gladly as a measure of ourselves for others. Let us make a resolution this year to overcome fear, reach inside and give of ourselves...our real and valuable selves.

(Copyright 1996 by Denise Ruiz - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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