Seeker Magazine January 2005

Photo credit Susan Kramer


Susan Kramer

When we think about something, we are contemplating - what to do next, what would be best, what course to follow.

Contemplation is a most useful skill to develop, as we usually make the wisest choices from forethought.

Before I go to sleep each night, I spend some time reviewing what happened that day, and how I wish to proceed on the issues for the next day. Contemplation is a way to mentally houseclean the day's activities, and prepares the space in thought, for tomorrow's unseen situations.

We can also contemplate on qualities we wish to develop in ourselves. By assessing the pros and cons about a quality, we can determine if it will uplift our lives through making us a better person. Because, as we grow in consciousness, we become more conscious of the greater plan for our life in the world. We attain a more universal overview of life.

Contemplation serves as a clearing house in our mind. We bring out a situation for review, process it, and then pass it on into usefulness or discard it as unusable for us. Or maybe send it back into our memory storage to be brought forward at another time.

Contemplation also buys time to think over and digest new ideas that may come from outside sources - other people or the media.

Contemplation gives us the time to allow a good solution to come to mind. If we are in a hurry or pressured to make a decision quickly, we might not instantly come up with the most useful answer. But if we instead say "I'll think that over and let you know later" - tomorrow or next week or whatever future date we choose, then our mind will have time to digest, mull over the situation, and come up with the most workable solution.

As we contemplate we can take notes on ideas that come to mind. Writing down my ideas while contemplating helps me evaluate the best course to follow. I look over my notes and decide the pros and cons of each idea before making an important decision.

As we progress in upgrading our consciousness through sticking to the virtues and truths we have decided to follow, we will more quickly be able to make the best decision when called upon to decide spontaneously.

As we upgrade our consciousness
our conscious decisions become more spontaneously
for the best
Time spent in contemplation
uses our mind optimally
Stirs our thoughts and sifts out the dross
Leaving just the right answer for us
each time.

Contemplation and photo copyright 2005 Susan Kramer
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