The World of Stories

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Join us at the campfire for tales from around the world, told by storytellers of all backgrounds and creeds. From the heros and heroines of old, let us relearn and rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors. Shhh..the story begins..

The Hunting of the Great Bear

A Native American Folktale of Cherokee Origin: Adapted by NovaReinna


There were once four hunters who were all brothers. No hunters could equal the brothers when it came to following a trail, for they refused to give up once they began to track their quarry. One day, during the time when the cold nights returned, a message of no little importance was delivered to the village of the four hunter brothers. A great bear, so large and powerful that many believed it to be some type of monster, had appeared. The people of the persecuted village, whose hunting grounds the monster had invaded were very afraid. The children ceased playing in the woods and the long houses of the village became guarded each night by men bearing weapons who stood by the entrances. Every morning when the frightened people ventured outside, they discovered the immense tracks of the bear-monster in the midst of their village and knew that it would not be long before the creature became even more bold in its wanderings.

Collecting their spears and calling to their small dog, the four hunter-brothers set out toward the fearful village. It was not too far away and, as they came closer, they noticed how quiet the woods were. There were no signs of rabbits or deer and even the birds had grown silent. Upon a lofty pine tree, they found scars where the great bear had reared up on its massive hind legs and made deep scratches in order to mark its territory. The tallest of the brothers attempted to touch the hights of the scratch marks with the tip of his spear.

"It is as the people feared," said the first brother. "The one we are hunting is Nyah-gwaheh...a monster bear."

"But what are we do about the magical arts possessed by the Nyah-gwaheh?" asked the second brother.

"Such magic will do the beast no good if we can find its track," responded the first brother.

"That is true," added the third brother. "It is said by the ancient ones that such creatures can only chase a hunter who has not yet found its trail. Once we discover the track of the Nyah-gwaheh and begin to chase it, it will run from us."

"My brothers," interrupted the fourth hunter, who was the laziest and the fattest, "did we bring with us enough food to eat? It could take a very long time to catch this big bear and I am already feeling hungry."

Before too long, the four hunters and their small dog reached the village. They were met with a sad sight fire burning in the centre of the village and the doors to all the long houses shut tight. Grim-faced men stood guard with clubs and spears. No game hung from the racks and there were no skins stretched for tanning. The people appeared gaunt and hungry.

The elder sachem of the village emerged and the tallest of the four brothers addressed him.

"Uncle," said the hunter, "we have come to help rid this village of the monster."

Then, the fattest and laziest of the brothers spoke.

"Uncle," he said, "is there some food for us to eat? Is there a place where we can rest before we begin to chase this big bear? I am very tired."

The first hunter shook his head and smiled.

"My brother is simply joking, Uncle." he stated. "We are going now to pick up the trail of the monster-bear."

"I am not so sure you can do that, Nephews," said the elder sachem. "Although we find track closer and closer to the doors of our lodges each morning, whenever we try to follow those tracks they disappear."

The second hunter knelt down and patted the head of their small dog. "Uncle," he told the sachem, "that would be because your warriors do not have a dog such as ours." With that, he pointed to the two black circles above the eyes of the small dog. "Four-Eyes can see any tracks...even those which are many days old."

"May the protection of the Creator be with you," said the elder sachem.

"Do not worry. Uncle," said the third hunter. "Once we are on a trail we never stop following until the hunt is finished."

"Exactly why I think we should have something to eat first," protested the fourth hunter, but his brothers did not listen, only nodding to the elder sachem as they began to leave. Sighing heavily, the fattest and laziest brother took his long spear and trudged after them.

They walked...the little dog leading the way. It kept lifting up its head, as if to look around with its four eyes but the trail was not easy to find.

"My brothers," complainted the fattest and laziest hunter, "do you not think we should rest now? We have been walking for such a long time."

The other three hunters paid no heed. Although tracks were not visible, they could sense the presence of the Nyah-gwaheh. They were well aware that if they did not soon find its trail, then it would make its way behind them and they would become the hunted.

The fattest and laziest hunter took out his pemmican pouch. If his brother refused to stop, then he could at least eat while walking along. He opened the pouch and shook out the food he had so carefully prepared by pounding together strips of meat and berries with maple sugar and then drying them in the sun. But instead of pemmican, pale squirming things fell out into his hands. The magic of the Nyah-gwaheh had changed the food into worms!

"Brothers," shouted the fat and lazy hunter, "we need to hurry and catch that big bear! Look what it had done to my pemmican!" He scowled. "Now I am getting angry!"

Meanwhile, like a pale and giant shadow, the Nyah-gwaheh moved through the trees close to the four brothers. Its mouth was wide open as it watched them...its huge teeth shone and its eyes flashed red. Soon, it would be behind them and on their trail. However, at that very moment, the little dog lifted its head and yelped.

"Eh-heh!" called the first brother.

"Four-Eyes has found the trail!" announced the second brother.

"We have found the track of the Nyah-gwaheh!" proclaimed the third brother.

"Big Bear," yelled the fattest and laziest brother, "we are after you now!"

Fear began to invade the heart of the great bear and, for the first time, it began to run. As it broke free from the cover of the pines, the four hunters saw it...a gigantic white shape. With loud hunting cries, the brother began to chase it. The strides of the great bear were long and it sped along the ground more swiftly than a deer...but the four hunters and their little dog were also swift and did not fall behind. The trail led through swamps and the thickets. It was easy to follow, for the Nyah-gwaheh pushed everything aside as it ran, even knocking down big trees. On and on they ran...the hunters and the hunted...over hills and through valleys until they arrived at the slope of a mountain. Still, the brothers followed the trail higher and higher...every now and then catching a glimpse of their quarry over the next rise.

By now, the fat and lazy brother was becoming extremely tired of running so he pretended to fall and twist his ankle.

"My brothers," he called, "I have sprained my ankle. You must carry me!"

So, the other three hunters did as he asked, two of them carrying him by turns while the third carried his spear. They were obliged to run more slowly now because of their heavy load, but still were not falling any further behind. Day had turned now into night, yet they could still see the white shape of the great bear ahead of them. Soon, they reached the top of the mountain and the ground beneath them was very dark. The Nyah-gwaheh was beginning to tire...but so were the hunters and it was far from easy to carry their fat and lazy brother. The little dog, Four-Eyes, was close behind the great bear, nipping at its tail as it ran.

"My brothers," said the fat and lazy hunter. "I think you can put me down now. I believe my leg is better."

The others did as he asked. Fresh and rested, the fat and lazy brother seized his spear and dashed ahead...just as the great bear turned to bite at the little dog. Leveling his spear, the fat and lazy hunter thrust it into the heart of the Nyah-Gwaheh and the monster bear fell dead. By the time the other three hunters arrived, they found that their brother had already built a fire and was cutting up the great bear.

"Come," he said with a broad grin, "let us eat. All this running has made me famished!"

So, they cooked the meat of the great bear. Its fat sizzled as it dripped into the flames. The brothers ate until even the fattest and laziest of them was satisfied and leaned back in contentment. Just then, however, the first hunter looked down at his feet.

"Brothers," he exclaimed, "look below us!"

Down below were thousands of small sparkling lights in the darkness which, they realized, was all around them.

"We are not on a mountain top at all," remarked the third brother. "Look...we are up in the sky!"

And so they were!

The Nyah-gwaheh had been magical indeed. Its feet had taken it high above the earth in an attempt to escape the four hunters. However, their determination not to relinquish the chase had carried them up that strange trail.

Just then, the little dog yipped twice.

"The great bear!" exclaimed the second hunter. "Look!"

There, where they had piled the bones of their feast the Nyah-gwaheh was returning to life and rising to its feet. As the hunters watched, the great bear to run once more...the small dog close behind, nipping on its heels.

"Follow me!" shouted the first brother and, grabbing their spears, the four hunters again began to chase the beast across the skies.

So it was, said the ancient ones...and so it still is. Each Autumn the hunters chase the Great Bear across the skies and kill it. Then, as they cut it up for their meal, the blood falls down from the Heavens and colors the leaves of the Maple Trees scarlet. The brothers cook the Great Bear and the fat dripping from the flames of their fire turns the grass white.

Look carefully into the skies as the seasons change and this story can be read in the Heavens. The Great Bear is the square shape that some call the Bowl of the Big Dipper. The hunters and their small dog (which can just barely be seen) are close behind...the Dipper's Handle. When Autumn comes and the constellation of stars turns upside down, then the old ones say, "Ah, the fat and lazy hunter has killed the bear." But, as the moons pass and the sky moves once more toward Spring, the Great Bear rises slowly to its feet and the chase begins all over again.

Novareinna welcomes all tale-travelers to Penumbra, her beautiful site/sight of stories and poetry and design.

A section has been added to Penumbra entitled "Rainbow Bridge," dedicated to the memory of our beloved animal companions. It features various pieces of work, whose words, it is hoped, will bring solace and comfort to those who have lost a dear little furry (or feathered or scaled...etc.) one.

It contains an area known as "BlueBird Bower" where a memorial may be placed by anyone upon request in the name of their departed pet (no species refused).

Just click on "RainBow Bridge" on the home page to access the area described.

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